
Transform Your World: Applying Biblical Truth in Your Family, Community and Vocation

God’s plan to transform the nations starts with you! These practical lessons help you to live in the truth, and apply it personally—through your family, community, and your daily…

Biblical Worldview and Mission: Filling the Earth with the Knowledge of God’s Glory

God is on a mission to redeem and restore everything broken through the fall—to fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God. To bring the truth,…

DNA training inspires poetry and education in West Africa (Don’t miss this video!)

DNA members on the Samaritan Strategy team in West Africa have been strategically discipling their community for years. The team is led by Chris Ampadu, who faithfully teaches biblical…

Hope for Nigeria: Stories of transformation from Steve Chia

“I want to leave the world behind me better than how I met it to the praise of the one who made it.” That’s the cry of Disciple Nations…

Haitian students are discipling their nation through Coram Deo

The impact of Disciple Nations Alliance affiliate, Trinity Education, and their implementation of Coram Deo courses Organizations around the globe partner with the Disciple Nations Alliance, actively embracing and…

Celebrating four years of growth for Coram Deo online courses

Since launching the Spanish course in late 2016, the number of Coram Deo users has more than doubled. In May 2014, the Coram Deo English Basics Course was launched…

Coram Deo helps me disciple my adult children and is helping transform communities in Mexico

Mark and Serena Dunbar are missionaries in Mexico with World Gospel Mission. Here, Mark describes fruit from the Coram Deo courses in his personal life and in the Mexican…

Former politician and development worker launches DNA Local Network in the Caribbean

We’re excited to announce the newest DNA Local Network, located in the Caribbean and led by Joan Purcell of the Agape Foundation in Grenada. About Joan Joan served in…

What’s happening with Coram Deo?

The DNA Global Secretariat office launched Coram Deo: A School for Discipling Nations in May 2014. Since then, we’ve seen widespread use of the program designed to make the…

DNA videos shown on Nigerian state TV were a success!

A few months ago, we announced a new DNA video series to be broadcast across Nigeria on state television, an effort spearheaded by our friend Steve Chia and his…

DNA videos airing on Nigerian state television TODAY

Starting today and airing every Wednesday night through the end of October, a new DNA video series will be broadcast across Nigeria on the state television station PRTVC, which…

Upcoming seminar with Darrow Miller: The Power of an Idea

At the end of August, Darrow will lead a two-day gathering in Singapore to discover and discuss how ideas have consequences. Hosted by Youth with a Mission, this event…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

Coram Deo is not just another school — we’re a school for discipling nations. Our online courses are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Designed to help Christians engage their communities in transforming ways, the course library will forever be FREE.


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