Haitian students are discipling their nation through Coram Deo

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The impact of Disciple Nations Alliance affiliate, Trinity Education, and their implementation of Coram Deo courses

Organizations around the globe partner with the Disciple Nations Alliance, actively embracing and spreading core truths and values. Trinity Education is one such affiliate organization.

Trinity helps local partners around the globe offer affordable higher education by providing facilities, internet connection, curated curriculum, and a local facilitator.

Trinity’s Digital Bootcamp is an eight-week program that provides quality training in web design, digital marketing, and business communication skills. A portion of Digital Bootcamp training includes completing the Coram Deo online Basics Course.

Students in Haiti have been poring over the Coram Deo materials with great enthusiasm and motivation, their minds and hearts opening to a new way of viewing God and society.

Amanda Forbes, co-founder of Trinity Education

Amanda Forbes, co-founder of Trinity Education, had the opportunity to visit Trinity students in Port-au-Prince. She wrote, “We are honored to be partnering with them, and I have to tell you that they love Coram Deo. It was one of the most rewarding parts of my January visit to see them engaging in discussion after watching the Basics Course.”

Wilguens Bery is one such student. He enrolled with Trinity Education out of a desire to gain computer skills. Yet he has gained much more. He says he has begun to live counter-culturally. In a society that often embraces self-preservation at the expense of others, Bery has discovered within himself an increased capacity to give of his time and resources. He sees ever more clearly the role God has made him to play in society.

Jean-Kenel, a web design student with Trinity Education, actively engages his community in worldview discussions

Jean-Kenel, a young man with a penchant for web design and development, was eager to begin training with Trinity Education. Although he was raised in a Christian home, Jean-Kenel grew up believing much of the secular and animistic worldviews of his culture. Coram Deo has helped him identify these “goggles” and replace them with biblical worldview lenses instead. Not only has this worldview shift affected the way he thinks, but also the way he lives. He is determined to be not merely a Sunday Christian, but a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ.

Jean-Kenel is actively living out this conviction. He uses break times to raise discussions with his co-workers about worldview, carefully and lovingly exposing the lies they believe. These discussions also filter into conversations with friends, family, and fellow musicians on his church worship team. He dedicates his weekends to discipling a group of young people, helping them grow in their faith and walk with Jesus Christ. In all of this, he hopes and prays that the people of his community will open their hearts toward God.

Jean-Kenel dedicates his weekends to discipling a group of young people

“Love is the core of a disciple’s life.”

“The life of a person reveals how his or her heart is. Mango trees will always produce mangos…love is the core of a disciple’s life,” Jean-Kenel writes. After completing the Basics Course, Jean-Kenel felt compelled to voluntarily begin the Coram Deo Monday Church course. We hope these lessons pave the way for continued clarity of God’s call for his life.

Georgy, Trinity Education and Coram Deo student, has embraced the truth that every aspect of life is within the realm of God’s kingdom.

Georgy, another Haitian student, has a passion for computer science and business management. Trinity Education has been the solution for developing his skills and helping him funnel them into a lucrative career. He hopes to eventually build a fruitful business, deeply ingrained with biblical worldview.

Georgy has come to embrace the truth that every aspect of life is within the realm of God’s Kingdom, including his future business. He has begun considering how he can better use his business for the advancement of “God’s Big Agenda.” Georgy plans to deliver quality services, while also providing spiritual, social, and physical education for the professionals in his field. Currently, he has reignited a community study group where he engages with friends in discussions of biblical worldview.

Assistant facilitator Richcard Larose witnesses firsthand the impact of Coram Deo on his students. They have begun to speak with confidence about God’s plan for discipling nations and their responsibility as Christians.

Assistant facilitator, Richcard Larose,  with students enrolled in Trinity’s Digital Bootcamp program

“Coram Deo has impacted my life completely. Seems like I am a new man.”

Equally encouraging is the significance Coram Deo has had on his own life, helping him to recognize the power of lies to affect entire generations. “Coram Deo has impacted my life completely. Seems like I am a new man…I am now more confident in trying to make great changes.”

God is using Trinity Education and Coram Deo to do a mighty work in Haiti through the transformed lives of college students and facilitators. We are grateful for the partnership of Trinity Education and pray that their impact continues to spread.

Do you have a story about the impact of the DNA’s teachings on your own life? We would love to hear it. Contact us at info@disciplenations.org.

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