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Worldviews Matter

Why does our worldview matter? Because it shapes what we think and do, and it shapes the world around us. When our communities and nations are filled with bitter…

The Transforming Story

Christ’s ultimate return will end our world’s ongoing conflict between two kingdoms, one of light and one of darkness. In the meantime, what is our mission as Christians in…

Why We Do What We Do

The purpose of Disciple Nations Alliance is to help the Church rise to her full potential as God’s principal agent in restoring, healing, and blessing broken nations….

The Pattern for Family Formation: God Himself

God is one and three. God is a community of love. As humans, we are created in the image of God. Both male and female portray the Image of…

The Maternal Heart of God

Darrow Miller explores the question: “Where does a mother’s heart come from?” Throughout Scripture, God the Creator is called Father, Jesus is the Son, and the personal pronouns relating…

Why does the DNA focus on worldview?

Watch this video to see why worldview is so important and to find out how the DNA can help you understand and apply the biblical worldview to every area…

The Role of the Artist in Discipling Nations

Darrow Miller explains how ideas shape culture. The process often begins with a small group of intellectuals whose ideas are picked up by artists. As they create film and…

What Is a Worldview, and Why Does It Matter?

Darrow Miller explains that every person in the world has a “map” in his or her mind–a map that says what the world is like. We call this a…

Worldviews Shape Our Lives and Our Cultures

Darrow Miller explains how our worldviews shape our values and behaviors and how our behaviors have consequences for our lives, families and society. He describes how worldviews spread around…

The Discipline of Love

Bob Moffitt presents a practical tool that will help you grow in the discipline of loving and serving those in your family, church and community. [Video 4 of 4…

Lies Enslave, Truth Sets Free

Satan is at the root of all brokenness and poverty. He is “a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). When we believe his lies, we are enslaved…

School vs. Education: The Difference Matters

Darrow Miller, one of DNA’s co-founders, describes his blog— “Darrow Miller and Friends”—as his “humble attempt to use the written word to create a space for readers to reflect deeply…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

Coram Deo is not just another school — we’re a school for discipling nations. Our online courses are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Designed to help Christians engage their communities in transforming ways, the course library will forever be FREE.

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