Biblical training for every Kingdomizer
A Kingdomizer advances the truth, goodness, and beauty of God’s Kingdom in the world in which they live. The Kingdomizer Training Program is a series of online courses designed to equip you to live out Christ’s truth and redemptive love in transforming ways.
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Modern learning for everyone
Individuals & Families
Thousands of people around the globe are being equipped to bring truth-based transformation to their families and communities through the Kingdomizer Training Program.
Churches and small groups are discipling their members to live out biblical truth in their families, vocations, and communities through the Kingdomizer Training Program.
Christian missionary and community development organizations are training their workers to be agents of truth-centered transformation through the Kingdomizer Training Program.
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The Kingdomizer Training Program
An innovative online learning experience offered to you at no charge. The Kingdomizer Training Program is designed to equip you to advance the truth, beauty, and goodness of God's Kingdom in your sphere of influence.
Preview the lessons
Worldviews are powerful because they determine how we see the world, they shape our values and behaviors and they determine the kind of societies we will build. As Christians, we are called to engage—to create culture that aligns with reality as God created it—to witness to the truth.
It is God’s story, and it has the ability to transform individual lives, lift communities out of poverty and build nations that are free, compassionate and just. We must learn to tell the whole breadth and depth of the transforming story. This course looks at the breadth of that story.
What is ultimately real? Who am I? Does my life have purpose? Where is history going? The Biblical worldview—The Transforming Story—provides true answers to these big questions. Life-giving, empowering answers that lead to flourishing nations.
This mission goes far beyond evangelism and church-planting. It encompasses the restoration of all “all things” (Colossians 1:20). God graciously invites us to participate with Him in this grand mission. First, we must be transformed, and then we can be part of God’s transforming work in every sphere of society.
In some cases, even the Church has abandoned a biblical worldview, and the consequences have tragically influenced our understanding of the nature of the Church and the Great Commission. Discover how we can begin to combat this growing issue in the lessons below.
In this course, these ideas are called “The ABCs of Culture.” Satan deceives and enslaves entire cultures by replacing true, Kingdom building blocks with lies — counterfeit building blocks. The more truth a culture embraces, the more it flourishes. The more lies it builds upon, the weaker it becomes.
In this course, you’ll identify a lie that Satan is using to destroy or enslave your particular culture and then analyze the impact of this lie. Next, we’ll take action and look at the truth that stands in opposition to the lie and ways you can promote this truth in your culture, family and personal life.
It is the realm where Christ the king reigns – where his will is done. His kingdom is God’s total answer to man’s total need, and that is good news.
God’s compassionate and glorious intentions for a broken man include forgiveness of sin, restoration of the relationship between man and God, and restoration of the broken creation. He has made a perfect provision for our redemption and has promised a wonderful future at Jesus’ return.
The “Discipline of Love” is an immediate way to apply the truth of the Irreducible Minimum. It is a simple spiritual discipline to help followers of Christ learn to demonstrate God’s love through serving others.
What is God’s model of restoration in our personal lives and the lives of others? Luke teaches us that Jesus grew physically, spiritually, socially and in wisdom. Jesus became all God intended him to be as the ultimate servant. He is our model for growth in our personal lives and for serving others to help them grow into all God intends for them.
Jesus indicated that it is wise to make plans in order to complete a tower or win a war. Scripture is filled with examples of planning. However some local churches are unconvinced of the benefit of planning.

Looking for more training programs?
Coram Deo is the Online Training School of the Disciple Nations Alliance. Our online training programs are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Designed to help Christians engage their communities in transforming ways, the course library will forever be FREE.
Kingdomizer Stories Around the World
“I began with Coram Deo, and this impacted me beyond what I can explain. I came to know the right mindset. I came to realize that people were dying poor and hopeless, just because of the lies that they believe in. I came to know the ability which God created me with; I know that all the wealth lies in human creativity, human innovation, and human imagination.”

We found the training to be engaging and stimulating, and we downloaded and filed for later use all the tools and worksheets they provided in the course. I would highly recommend the Coram Deo training for anyone interested in doing effective ministry of any kind in any context.
World Gospel Mission, America's
I spoke with people trapped by poverty and with employers, and concluded that what was needed was strategic job training, starting with a biblical worldview.
WORK 4aLiving Centers, South Africa