Kingdom of God

LifeWork Reading Guide: Questions to Guide You

Click here to view or download the free LifeWork Study Guide. This study guide provides questions to help you reflect and apply the content you are reading in each…

Why does the DNA focus on worldview?

Watch this video to see why worldview is so important and to find out how the DNA can help you understand and apply the biblical worldview to every area…

A Model for Extending the Kingdom in Your City

BY DARROW MILLER A Model for Extending the Kingdom in Your City is a series of powerpoint slides which outlines guiding principles and tactics for Christian social transformation. It…

Toward a More Effective Great Commission Strategy

Jesus sent us to “make disciples of all nations.” But our track record suggests we are, rather, seeking to “win as many converts as you can.” The results? A…

Gospel Summary Booklet – Teacher’s Guide

BY JOHANNES AUCAMP This Gospel Summary Booklet was developed by Johannes Aucamp and TOPIA (Training of Pastors in Africa) for use with primary oral learners. It employs a storying approach to…

Gospel Summary Booklet – Presentation Slides

BY JOHANNES AUCAMP This Gospel Summary Booklet was developed by Johannes Aucamp and TOPIA (Training of Pastors in Africa) for use with primary oral learners. It employs a storying approach to…

Gospel Summary Booklet – Presentation Posters

This Gospel Summary Booklet was developed by Johannes Aucamp and TOPIA (Training of Pastors in Africa) for use with primary oral learners. It employs a storying approach to presenting the gospel,…

Gospel Summary Booklet – Participant’s Guide

This Gospel Summary Booklet was developed by Johannes Aucamp and TOPIA (Training of Pastors in Africa) for use with primary oral learners. It employs a storying approach to presenting the gospel,…

Kingdom Mathematics

BY BOB MOFFITT This is an excerpt (chapter 11) from If Jesus Were Mayor. Kingdom Mathematics acknowledges that: When we give our weakness to God, He multiplies it. He turns…

What Is God’s Will for Our Lives?

What is the difference between heaven and Earth? Bob Moffitt answers this question using the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-10. In heaven, God’s will is perfectly done–not so on…

God’s Unshakable Kingdom

Scott Allen explains that God’s kingdom is not merely a future reality but is actively advancing today though his Body: the Church. He draws parallels from the conquest of…

The Inside-Out Process of Kingdom Advance

Scott Allen explains how God’s kingdom advances through an inside-out process of transformation. It begins with the supernatural transformation of human hearts through the power of the gospel and…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

Coram Deo is not just another school — we’re a school for discipling nations. Our online courses are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Designed to help Christians engage their communities in transforming ways, the course library will forever be FREE.


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