Kingdom Culture

Ideas Have Consequences

NEW episodes every week! Good and bad ideas have the power to transform cultures. Explore with us how biblical truth can create societies that flourish and thrive. Weekly podcasts…

Why does the DNA focus on worldview?

Watch this video to see why worldview is so important and to find out how the DNA can help you understand and apply the biblical worldview to every area…

A Model for Extending the Kingdom in Your City

BY DARROW MILLER A Model for Extending the Kingdom in Your City is a series of powerpoint slides which outlines guiding principles and tactics for Christian social transformation. It…

What’s the Big Deal about Corruption?

BY DWIGHT VOGT There often is a practical disconnect between worldview theory and application. For example, how do we apply the Biblical worldview to the problem of corruption? This…

Toward a More Effective Great Commission Strategy

Jesus sent us to “make disciples of all nations.” But our track record suggests we are, rather, seeking to “win as many converts as you can.” The results? A…

Sharing God’s Big Story: How the Arts Give Meaning

BY METZGER AND BURGESS In this challenging critique of modern culture and the Church, Mike Metzger and Phil Burgess explain why “if the goal is discipleship and conformity to…

Culture: Where the Physical and Spiritual Converge

BY DARROW MILLER “God made humankind to be culture makers, and it matters hugely what kind of culture we create. Whatever our vocation, whatever domain we are called to,…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

Coram Deo is not just another school — we’re a school for discipling nations. Our online courses are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Designed to help Christians engage their communities in transforming ways, the course library will forever be FREE.

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