
LifeWork Reading Guide: Questions to Guide You

Click here to view or download the free LifeWork Study Guide. This study guide provides questions to help you reflect and apply the content you are reading in each…

Redemptive Agriculture: Working the Land God Entrusted to Us

BY DAVID EVANS “Redemptive Agriculture: Working the Land God Entrusted to Us” is a curriculum developed by David Evans and produced by Food for the Hungry, Inc. It has been…

Ten Biblical Principles for Agricultural Development

BY DAVID EVANS “Ten Biblical Principles for Agricultural Development”, by David Evans, is an effort to help people involved in agriculture around the world to better understand the role…

Biblical Holism and Agriculture: Cultivating Our Roots

BY DAVID EVANS, RONALD VOS, AND KEITH WRIGHT “Biblical Holism and Agriculture: Cultivating Our Roots” is a collection of essays that address the urgent need for constructing a holistic biblical…

A Wasteland Transformed to a Garden: The Mennonite Settlers of the Gran Chaco of Paraguay

BY DARROW MILLER The story of the Mennonite colonists who settled in a harsh region of Paraguay powerfully demonstrates how God enables humans to use their own imagination, courage,…

My Place in HIStory

Discover Your Calling
BY DARROW MILLER God loves individuality and has made the universe with incredible diversity. There is no one else like you. God made you for a unique purpose for…

LifeWork Study

Developing a Biblical Theology of Vocation
BY DARROW MILLER LifeWork: Developing a Biblical Theology of Vocation is a downloadable PDF workbook (84 pages) that contains a narrative as well as a series of vocation-related Bible studies…

Agriculture and the Kingdom of God

BY DARROW MILLER In this paper, Darrow Miller lays out a Biblical theology for sustainable agriculture and creation care. Originally published in the 2003 book Biblical Holism and Agriculture:…

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