What’s happening with Coram Deo?

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The DNA Global Secretariat office launched Coram Deo: A School for Discipling Nations in May 2014. Since then, we’ve seen widespread use of the program designed to make the DNA’s best teaching accessible for free to anyone in the world with an Internet connection.

Coram Deo cover2

To date, more than 1,300 people in 87 nations have created free Coram Deo accounts. Most of those sign-ups are in the US, with Kenya having the second highest number. More than 50 people have taken and passed the final exam, certifying them to lead others through the course in a small-group setting, and more than 300 have joined the Coram Deo Facebook group to share their ideas and Seed Projects.

In Nairobi, young adults learned about servant leadership.


In Phoenix, one church
In Phoenix, one church began a thriving relationship with a local school.


“This course challenged me to a whole new level,” said Leatha Jenkins, a Coram Deo student. “I wish I had studied this 40 years ago! I hope to have the opportunity to pass it on in the nation of Papua New Guinea as well as my own community in Ohio, USA. This answers so many questions, so many loopholes. I want to tell the world the Good News, and this provides insights and great communication skills.”

The teachings also have made their way to Jos, Nigeria:

“Bob and Scott have been speaking to 12 graduating pastors from Jos ECWA Theological Seminar in our home for the past four months using the CoramDeo.com Basics Course,” says Stephen Chia, a long-time friend of the DNA. “They are all excited about what they are learning.”

We thank God for resources and technology that allow us to get out this Bible-based worldview teaching as widely as possible.

Looking ahead: Non-English translations and a new Monday Church course

Thanks to the DNA Latinoamerica team, people will be able to use Coram Deo in Spanish starting this March. We also are in discussion with volunteers who wish to translate the teaching into Bangla and Portuguese. Are you interested in translating Coram Deo? Please email us!

About a year and a half after launching the Basics Course, we’re still getting at least one new sign-up per day. If you haven’t yet explored the free learning materials at Coram Deo, click here and check them out! Also, watch for our second course–Monday Church–coming later this year.

If you’ve taken Coram Deo, we want to know how it went! Please share your experience with us here.

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Néstor Flores
Néstor Flores
8 years ago

The course is in Spanish? Thanks.

Disciple Nations Alliance
Reply to  Néstor Flores

Yes, our partners in Latin America are working hard to translate Coram Deo into Spanish. As soon as that is finished, we will announce it here on our website!

Josenildo Müller
8 years ago

This is a suggestion:

I suggest that DNA could verify the possibility of making the online course platform available for DNA members willing to publish their own online courses.

Right now I am testing many platforms and looking for the right one to publish my several courses.

In that way, many good resources will be multiplied and make available for the Kingdom advancement.

With much regards,

ACTOS Ministries

Disciple Nations Alliance

Hello Josenildo, we actually do have this option available now. Please email Dwight Vogt (dvogt.org) and discuss your needs with him. Thanks!

Josenildo Müller
8 years ago

Great. I will contact him for sure!

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