
Gospel Summary Booklet – Presentation Posters

This Gospel Summary Booklet was developed by Johannes Aucamp and TOPIA (Training of Pastors in Africa) for use with primary oral learners. It employs a storying approach to presenting the gospel,…

Gospel Summary Booklet – Participant’s Guide

This Gospel Summary Booklet was developed by Johannes Aucamp and TOPIA (Training of Pastors in Africa) for use with primary oral learners. It employs a storying approach to presenting the gospel,…

How We Lost the War on Poverty

BY DARROW MILLER Fifty years after President Lyndon Johnson launched his War on Poverty, we have little if any progress to show for it. In fact, some would say…

Discipling the Nations in Latin America – Luis Sena, Dominican Republic

Luis Sena of the Holistic Christian Transformation Institute in the Dominican Republic shares how in discipling the nations in Latin America, the church is facing a problem due to…

Sharing the Biblical Worldview in West Africa – Chris Ampadu, Ghana

Chris Ampadu of Ghana, West Africa talks about fatalism in the worldview of West Africa and its impact on development. He shares how the Samaritan Strategy is bringing the…

BASES para NIÑOS (Versión para Lectores)

BY DWIGHT VOGT AND KAREN JACOBSEN ¿Cómo podemos impartir a los niños una cosmovisión bíblica para que ellos puedan tener éxito?  ¿Cómo podemos equipar a los niños para que crezcan…

BASES para NIÑOS (Versión para Adolescentes)

BY DWIGHT VOGT AND KAREN JACOBSEN ¿Cómo podemos impartir a los niños una cosmovisión bíblica para que ellos puedan tener éxito?  ¿Cómo podemos equipar a los niños para que crezcan…

The Spiritual Impacts the Physical Through Culture

According to Darrow Miller, Satan not only deceives individuals; his lies impact entire cultures. In the words of author and missionary Dr. Gailyn Van Rheenen, “Satan’s lies actively impact…

The Basic Principles of This World

How does Satan impoverish and enslave the nations? Darrow Miller examines Galatians 4:3-10 and Colossians 2:6-8 to uncover the devil’s strategy. Our enemy works through “hollow and deceptive philosophy…

Lies Enslave, Truth Sets Free

Satan is at the root of all brokenness and poverty. He is “a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). When we believe his lies, we are enslaved…

The Rise of Evangelical Gnosticism

Darrow Miller discusses how the Church was affected by the increasingly dominant secular worldview in the West. Some church leaders sought to adapt to the reigning secular worldview; others…

From a Biblical Worldview to Deism to Secularism

Darrow Miller discusses how powerful ideas and philosophies from the late 17th and 18th century European Enlightenment led to a cultural shift away from a Biblical worldview to a…

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