
Why does the DNA focus on worldview?

Watch this video to see why worldview is so important and to find out how the DNA can help you understand and apply the biblical worldview to every area…

Romans 1: Ancient Message for the 21st Century

BY DARROW MILLER Paganism, with its corruption of human sexuality, is an ancient religion. The Jews confronted it in Canaan, and the Christian gospel encountered and challenged it all…

Discipling Nations: A Critique and Response

BY DARROW MILLER A Christian brother published a “sympathetic critique” of Darrow Miller’s book Discipling Nations. He raised issues about Disciple Nations Alliance teaching that have been noted by others…

What’s the Big Deal about Corruption?

BY DWIGHT VOGT There often is a practical disconnect between worldview theory and application. For example, how do we apply the Biblical worldview to the problem of corruption? This…

What Is a “Biblical Worldview”?

BY SCOTT ALLEN Disciple Nations Alliance president Scott Allen unpacks what we mean when we say “biblical worldview” and why this concept is so important for the Church to…

The Great Liberal Death Wish

BY MALCOLM MUGGERIDGE Malcolm Muggeridge, a professed atheist and communist who turned to Christ, wrote this profound essay on liberalism, its roots in atheism, and the kind of behavior it produces…

My Place in HIStory

Discover Your Calling
BY DARROW MILLER God loves individuality and has made the universe with incredible diversity. There is no one else like you. God made you for a unique purpose for…

Bases para una sociedad libre, justa y próspera: Entrevista con Luis Sena

A principios de este año, nuestro compañero Luis Sena de la República Dominicana fue entrevistado en el programa de televisión “Entendiendo Los Tiempos.” El tema era la cosmovisión bíblica y bases…

Sharing God’s Big Story: How the Arts Give Meaning

BY METZGER AND BURGESS In this challenging critique of modern culture and the Church, Mike Metzger and Phil Burgess explain why “if the goal is discipleship and conformity to…

The Forest in the Seed PowerPoint presentation

The Forest in the Seed (also a DNA book) is a powerful teaching that helps people see beyond the closed-system economic mentality of materialistic cultures. It offers a biblical…

Gospel Summary Booklet – Teacher’s Guide

BY JOHANNES AUCAMP This Gospel Summary Booklet was developed by Johannes Aucamp and TOPIA (Training of Pastors in Africa) for use with primary oral learners. It employs a storying approach to…

Gospel Summary Booklet – Presentation Slides

BY JOHANNES AUCAMP This Gospel Summary Booklet was developed by Johannes Aucamp and TOPIA (Training of Pastors in Africa) for use with primary oral learners. It employs a storying approach to…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

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