
Worldviews Shape Our Lives and Our Cultures

Darrow Miller explains how our worldviews shape our values and behaviors and how our behaviors have consequences for our lives, families and society. He describes how worldviews spread around…

What Is a Worldview, and Why Does It Matter?

Darrow Miller explains that every person in the world has a “map” in his or her mind–a map that says what the world is like. We call this a…

Nature or Creation?

Darrow Miller explains how animism, secularism and Biblical worldview see the physical world in radically different ways, with radically different consequences for how people live. Is the physical universe…

Where Is History Going?

Darrow Miller explains how animism, secularism and Biblical worldview each have radically different views of time and history, with radically different consequences for how people live. [Video 3 of…

What Does It Mean to Be Human?

Darrow Miller looks at how the Biblical worldview answers the question: What does it mean to be human? Only the Biblical worldview affirms the value and dignity of all…

The Worldview Story

Darrow Miller explains how the Bible not only has a breadth but also a depth. The depth of the Transforming Story answers questions such as these: What does it…

The Task and the Return of the King

Darrow Miller concludes his chapter-by-chapter unpacking of The Transforming Story by examining the Great Commission and the task of the Church to disciple nations. At the end of the…

The Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Darrow Miller continues his chapter-by-chapter unpacking of The Transforming Story by examining some of the life- and nation-transforming implications of Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection. [Video 3 of…

Man’s Rebellion and God’s Mission

Darrow Miller continues his chapter-by-chapter unpacking of The Transforming Story. Here, he focuses on man’s rebellion in the Garden of Eden and the rise of moral, natural and institutional…

A True and Powerful Story

Darrow Miller describes the Biblical worldview as “The Transforming Story,” a story that is both true and powerful. It has the power to transform individual lives, to lift communities…

A Biblical Worldview: The Wisdom of the Foolishness of God and the Strength of the Weakness of God

BY TOM BLOOMER The question is not just how to recognize and respect a worldview, but how to see it transformed. This paper by Bloomer looks at both of…

Example of the Role of the Balladeer in Influencing Culture

Darrow Miller talks about how ideas spread, beginning with the philosophers and the intellectuals and continuing through the balladeers: the musicians, the poets, the writers. His point is to…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

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