E-Books & Study Guides

LifeWork Study

Developing a Biblical Theology of Vocation
BY DARROW MILLER LifeWork: Developing a Biblical Theology of Vocation is a downloadable PDF workbook (84 pages) that contains a narrative as well as a series of vocation-related Bible studies…

LifeWork Small-Group Bible Study

By Darrow Miller © 2009, Disciple Nations Alliance The LifeWork Small-Group Bible Study is a 12-lesson, free, downloadable Bible study booklet developed as a companion to Darrow Miller’s LifeWork: A…

Seed Projects Overview and Planning Guide

Adapted from If Jesus Were Mayor by Bob Moffitt (2006, Monarch Books), chapter 13: “Seed Project Planning.” “Seed Projects” are small-scale, wholistic outreach initiatives through which local churches demonstrate God’s love…

Truth and Community Transformation

Foundational Principles for Distinctively Biblical Community Development
Scott Allen, Editor © 2003, Disciple Nations Alliance Today, “community development” has largely become a secularized industry, one that views poverty as socially or structurally caused, and whose solutions…


The Calling of Every Christian
By Darrow Miller © 2009, Disciple Nations Alliance (Revised) Humanity has always been seduced by a desire to compete and succeed at the cost of others. A “great person”…

Piensa más – 12 Verdades: Estudio para grupos pequeños

Te has preguntado alguna vez ¿cómo poner en práctica la Cosmovisión Bíblica? Este estudio de 12 lecciones basadas en verdades centrales te dará pasos prácticos de cómo llevar a…

AMO Worldview Curriculum

The AMO® Program, published by Chrysalis International, is both an enriched curriculum for children and Christian worldview courses for the adults who disciple them. The DNA was influential in its…

Justice Study Guide by Lauralee Holsing

Now available for FREE. Designed for Why Social Justice is Not Biblical Justice. Includes overviews for each of the eight chapters, key ideas, Scriptures to study, and questions for discussion. Download…

BASES para NIÑOS (Versión para Lectores)

BY DWIGHT VOGT AND KAREN JACOBSEN ¿Cómo podemos impartir a los niños una cosmovisión bíblica para que ellos puedan tener éxito?  ¿Cómo podemos equipar a los niños para que crezcan…

BASES para NIÑOS (Versión para Adolescentes)

BY DWIGHT VOGT AND KAREN JACOBSEN ¿Cómo podemos impartir a los niños una cosmovisión bíblica para que ellos puedan tener éxito?  ¿Cómo podemos equipar a los niños para que crezcan…

God With Us: A Biblical Worldview Curriculum for Young People

Overview The God With Us curriculum is designed for youth, connecting them with life-giving truths and relevant life skills from the book of Genesis, and equipping them to face…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

Coram Deo is not just another school — we’re a school for discipling nations. Our online courses are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Designed to help Christians engage their communities in transforming ways, the course library will forever be FREE.


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