God With Us: A Biblical Worldview Curriculum for Young People


The God With Us curriculum is designed for youth, connecting them with life-giving truths and relevant life skills from the book of Genesis, and equipping them to face the challenges of life.

  • The lessons are interactive, including object lessons, dramas, memory verse techniques and discussion questions.
  • The lessons come with action points or assignments to practice at home and as a result we have received many stories of transformation, both from the youth and children involved in the lessons, but also parents who are touched by what their sons and daughters share from the lesson.

God with Us
(GwU) lessons target youth at various levels of faith.

  • Discipleship topics for more mature Christians include the authority we have in Christ, our identity in God, confession, forgiveness, dealing with temptation, hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit, who is church, etc.
  • For newer believers or those who have not yet chosen to give their lives to Christ, the Bible Based Life Skills topics woven throughout the story of Genesis include the power of our words, self-esteem, friendship formation, resisting peer pressure and others.
  • The curriculum has been used in many non-Christian communities in Africa where the local peoples have an interest and common respect built on the book of Genesis. Many from these communities have opened their hearts to Christ through these lessons.


  • Volume 1 (20 lessons, 61 pages) starts with light conquering darkness and the power of our words, then progresses to self-esteem (being made in God’s image), friendship formation (based on Adam and Eve’s relationship in the garden), caring for creation, and hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit.
  • Volume 2 (30 lessons, 108 pages) covers every aspect of the Fall, including God giving us a choice (two trees in the garden), the nature of Satan, the truth about lies, our reaction to sin (hiding, cover-up and blame), resisting peer pressure, and lessons on how the consequences pronounced by God to Adam and Eve (pain in childbearing, husband-wife relationships, the nature of work and God’s promise of a redeemer) play out in today’s world. The lessons go on to teach about the price God paid for sin in the garden (shedding the blood of an animal to make coverings of skin for Adam and Eve) as a foreshadowing of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice on the cross. The final series of lessons teach about the power of forgiveness and invite the youth to take practical steps to forgive those who have hurt them.


Why does DNA love the God with Us curriculum?

  1. It disciples people at the deep and essential level of worldview.
  2. It’s designed to be taught by young people to young people, maximizing peer-to-peer influence.
  3. It’s incredibly impactful. This engaging curriculum has quickly spread by multiplying facilitators who feel confident sharing it with their peers. It has now reached over 10,000 youth and children.


About the Author

Dr. Terry Andrews is a long-time friend of DNA who spent most of the past three decades serving in Africa — first as a medical doctor working in war-torn countries bringing emergency health assistance to severely malnourished children; next as the founder and CEO of Children in Christ (CIC), which currently reaches and disciples over 257,000 children in 22 sub-Saharan African countries and India. Dr. Andrews now leads Root-to-Fruit’s staff assessment and continuous improvement process for impact business clients. Listen to Terry on a recent DNA podcast.



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