
We desperately need balladeers

But if the church does not disciple the nations, the nations will disciple the church. Darrow Miller Tweet Balladeers are an essential part of discipling the nations. In a…

What is a balladeer?

You may be wondering, “What is a balladeer?” To answer that question, here is an excerpt from Chapter 3 of Darrow Miller’s newly released A Call for Balladeers: Pursuing Art and…

The Essential Question

“‘The Godfather of AI’ Leaves Google and Warns of Danger Ahead,” so wrote The New York Times. The article begins: Geoffrey Hinton was an artificial intelligence pioneer. In 2012,…

Discipling Culture Through the Arts: With Jeremiah and Mona Enna

Meet Jeremiah and Mona Enna, leaders who use ballet to influence culture. They focus not just on making “Christian” art, but on making excellent art. Their lives help us…

The Story Behind A Call for Balladeers

In this interview with Darrow Miller, he emphasizes that artists play a creative and essential role in the church’s mission of discipling the nations. He issues a call to…

A Call for Balladeers

God has given artists incredible gifts, but how can they use their talents in a God-honoring way? Should they leave their art behind to go become pastors and missionaries,…

Book Launch Concert: A Call for Balladeers

My new book is now available! We launched A Call for Balladeers: Pursuing Art and Beauty for the Discipling of Nations with a beautiful concert on Sept. 16!…

When Singleness is Your Station in the Grand Design

In a few days we will be releasing a new video training series featuring Darrow Miller called The Grand Design: Rediscovering Male and Female as Imago Dei. This video…

School vs Education

In September 2013 Darrow Miller published a blog post—”School vs. Education: The Difference Matters”—that immediately jumped to the #1 position at and stayed there.  We clearly hit a…

Black Lives Matter and Reflections on Racism

Darrow’s never again story from Ghana In a dark dungeon I stood with a broken heart on centuries-old dry excrement. I was visiting the Cape Coast Castle in Ghana,…

How Darrow Blogs in Spanish

Over the past few years Darrow’s blog on worldview and culture has continued to grow and impact individuals and churches across the world. Thanks to some volunteer Spanish translators,…

DNA training inspires poetry and education in West Africa (Don’t miss this video!)

DNA members on the Samaritan Strategy team in West Africa have been strategically discipling their community for years. The team is led by Chris Ampadu, who faithfully teaches biblical…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

Coram Deo is not just another school — we’re a school for discipling nations. Our online courses are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Designed to help Christians engage their communities in transforming ways, the course library will forever be FREE.


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