
2024 Year-End Letter from Our President, Scott Allen

Last month we launched our newest book, 10 Words to Heal Our Broken World: Restoring the Meaning of Our Most Important Words. We are thrilled to have the support…

Words Worth Rejecting or Redeeming with Dr. Elizabeth Youmans

Words are constantly created and redefined in our day. With such dramatic shifts, how can we have the “mind of Christ?” Words are not just sounds we utter; they…

Easter Part 2: Representatives in a Foreign Land

How does Easter’s message interweave our daily lives? Jesus’ reign is not confined to some spiritual reality. His kingship radically transforms every aspect of our existence. From personal identity…

Respect for Marriage Act, A Misnomer

The so-called Respect for Marriage Act threatens the perfectly designed beauty of marriage by putting into law a radically harmful definition that misleads people about the transcendent nature of…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

Coram Deo is not just another school — we’re a school for discipling nations. Our online courses are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Designed to help Christians engage their communities in transforming ways, the course library will forever be FREE.

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