
The Gospel Has No Significance for Society

Christian nationalism was recently denounced by John MacArthur as a faulty viewpoint. He says things will get continually worse on Earth. Unfortunately, this view cultivates apathy and even discourages…

Easter Part 1: The Continuing Work of Christ

The Hebrew people in the Old Testament anticipated a Messiah that would be a priest and a King, radically changing every area of our worldly experience, and restoring it…

Elon Musk Thinks the West Needs Christianity – Why? With Vishal Mangalwadi

Is God using Vishal Mangalwadi to disciple Jordan Peterson, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Tom Holland, and Elon Musk? Today, we discover the transformative power of Christianity on Western civilization through…

Needed! Boldness and Discernment in an Era of Distortion

Are we losing sight of truth in a culture smothered by falsehoods? Even within the church, according to Barna, 41% of American Christians believe that the only truth a…

Christianity is Good for the Nation with Dennis Peacocke and Katherine Gallagher

Christians are increasingly criticized for their opinions in the public square and often labeled as Christian nationalists. But should this criticism cause us to retract our opinions and retreat?…

Homelessness and The Tragedy of American Compassion with Dr. Marvin Olasky

America’s secular approach to fighting poverty has been a disaster, yet we can learn a lot from how Christians helped the poor successfully 200 years ago. If you want…

Should we Christianize culture? with Dr. Wayne Grudem

How should a biblical worldview inform our cultural engagement in this time of social crisis? Today’s honored guest, Dr. Wayne Grudem, is Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies…

Black America Looks Back to Move Forward with Bob Woodson

Bob Woodson’s heart is to see impoverished inner city black communities discipled. He has dedicated his entire life, from his first experiences growing up during Jim Crow to leading…

What is a balladeer?

You may be wondering, “What is a balladeer?” To answer that question, here is an excerpt from Chapter 3 of Darrow Miller’s newly released A Call for Balladeers: Pursuing Art and…

Homosexuality, Ted Cruz, Uganda, and the Law with Tom Ascol

We made it through June. However, in many places around the world, cultures are being discipled more by the new LGBTQ “religion” instead of by the church. Today, we…

Lessons to Learn from North Korea

What happens when God’s true, good, and beautiful ideas are expelled from a nation? We often think humanity has advanced from our barbaric history of slavery, starvation, and genocide….

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