
Finding freedom and making disciples in Cuba

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Cor. 3:17 In late February, DNA co-founders Bob Moffitt and Darrow Miller traveled to Cuba to administer the…

From Panama: A testimony of God’s goodness

One of the DNA’s seven operating principles is that we are a school of thought, not an institution. Rather than building new offices around the world and hiring a…

DNA partners in Africa highlighted again in World Magazine

The editor-in-chief of World Magazine, Marvin Olasky, always is on the lookout for examples of Christians bringing restoration, healing and blessings to their broken communities using local resources and…

DNA partners shine God’s Word into spiritually dark parts of Asia

Recently, DNA trainers from CMS Africa ran two first-ever Vision Conferences in an Asian country where Christians account for only about 1.5 percent of the population. Here, church bombings…

New 5-year program is up and running in Uganda

The DNA Local Network in Africa, called Transforming Nations Alliance, has launched a dynamic Church-Based Community Transformation project in Uganda, and preliminary reports show that transformation is on its…

Partnering with World Vision Tanzania to reach 4.2 million

Sometimes, a farmer must prepare her soil for months–even years–before it is ready to be seeded. This process can’t be rushed; it requires patience, planning and faith that something…

The power of listening in a poor rich country

Most people wouldn’t list Japan as a poor country. Indeed, the income per capita is almost $45,000 USD, compared to just $4,940 for China or $820 for Cambodia (World…

Vision Conference in Burundi Sparks Church-Led Community Development

 What tangible impact can words of truth have on a broken society? As the recent DNA Vision Conference in Rutana, Burundi showed, the words of Scripture can begin to…

After a decade in the field, an American missionary has the ‘scales removed from his mind’

Philip Renfroe compares the years after his “second conversion” to waking up early in the morning and walking through a very thick fog. As the day progresses, the fog…

DNA’s work in Africa: Finalist for World Magazine award

Last week, World Magazine released this year’s finalists for its prestigious Hope Award for Effective Compassion, and we were so excited to see the work of Chris Ampadu, West…

New Samaritan Strategy Africa Team in Tanzania

Dennis Tongoi, leader of Samaritan Strategy Africa, and his associate, Karobia Njogu, recently traveled to Morogoro, Tanzania on behalf of Samaritan Strategy Africa. The purpose of the trip was…

Vision Conference Cleans Up in Hyderabad

We are happy to share the following excerpt from the personal newsletter of DNA co-founder, Dr. Bob Moffitt. Bob wrote after a combined Vision Conference and Training of Trainers…

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