DNA partners in Africa highlighted again in World Magazine

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The editor-in-chief of World Magazine, Marvin Olasky, always is on the lookout for examples of Christians bringing restoration, healing and blessings to their broken communities using local resources and steadfast faith in God. He again has chosen to feature DNA partners in Africa in World Magazine.

World mag cover_Page_1In 2012, the magazine presented DNA affiliate Chris Ampadu as the only non-American nominee for the Hope Award for Effective Compassion and, in the latest issue, seed projects facilitated in Uganda by DNA affiliate Transforming Nations Alliance were highlighted:

“Seed projects demonstrate to Ugandans that God can use meager local resources to bless a community. The projects demonstrate that Ugandans don’t have to wait for outsiders to come and fix problems, and that God cares about the physical well-being of His children, not just the spiritual” (p. 38).

Judith Murungi, TNA executive director and DNA representative in Uganda, leads a training session with Ugandan Christians
Judith Murungi, TNA executive director and DNA representative in Uganda, leads a training session with Ugandan Christians

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