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Monday Church: Transforming Societies (video 5 of 7)

If we look at the life and work of Charles and John Wesley in England, they preached Christ crucified. They also said, “If you come to the cross, there…

Monday Church: What is the Church (video 4 of 7)

In this video, Darrow Miller addresses the question, “What is the Church?” Is it a building? Is it an institution or an organization? Is it a people? How we…

Monday Church: Saved for an Assignment (video 3 of 7)

As we think about the Monday church, we need to see that each of us has been created by God by a particular purpose. Darrow Miller says it this…

Monday Church: The City on a Hill (Video 2 of 7)

To unfold the role of the church on Monday, Darrow Miller explores more about the Reformation and the thinking behind the reformers. The heart of the reformation were two…

Monday Church: From Poverty to Flourishing (video 1 of 7)

God raised up the church to disciple nations but we have forgotten our lineage, our story, and we have forgotten what the church is meant to be. Today we…

Ten Characteristics

Bob Moffitt discusses the 10 characteristics of Seed Projects which are small, short-term ministries by believers, done with local resources as a demonstration of Christ’s love to those outside…

Purpose, Definition and Key Benefits

Bob Moffitt introduces a simple application tool called “Seed Projects” that small groups of Christians can use to begin to demonstrate Christ’s love to those in the community. Bob…

The Spiritual Impacts the Physical Through Culture

According to Darrow Miller, Satan not only deceives individuals; his lies impact entire cultures. In the words of author and missionary Dr. Gailyn Van Rheenen, “Satan’s lies actively impact…

The Basic Principles of This World

How does Satan impoverish and enslave the nations? Darrow Miller examines Galatians 4:3-10 and Colossians 2:6-8 to uncover the devil’s strategy. Our enemy works through “hollow and deceptive philosophy…

Bases para una sociedad libre, justa y próspera: Entrevista con Luis Sena

A principios de este año, nuestro compañero Luis Sena de la República Dominicana fue entrevistado en el programa de televisión “Entendiendo Los Tiempos.” El tema era la cosmovisión bíblica y bases…

What’s Wrong with this Picture?

Over the past 200 years, as a result of the modern missionary movement, hundreds of millions of people today profess Christ as Lord and Savior, and millions of churches…

Salt and Light in a Broken World

The Bible provides many metaphors of what the Church should be in the midst of our broken world. We are to be “ambassadors” and “first fruits” of God’s kingdom….

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