
Kingdom Mathematics

BY BOB MOFFITT This is an excerpt (chapter 11) from If Jesus Were Mayor. Kingdom Mathematics acknowledges that: When we give our weakness to God, He multiplies it. He turns…

God’s Unshakable Kingdom

Scott Allen explains that God’s kingdom is not merely a future reality but is actively advancing today though his Body: the Church. He draws parallels from the conquest of…

The Inside-Out Process of Kingdom Advance

Scott Allen explains how God’s kingdom advances through an inside-out process of transformation. It begins with the supernatural transformation of human hearts through the power of the gospel and…

Kingdoms in Conflict

Scott Allen explains that to understand the kingdom of God, one first must understand there are two kingdoms in mortal conflict: Satan’s counterfeit kingdom and God’s true, eternal kingdom….

What Is the Kingdom of God?

Jesus said, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God because that is why I was sent” (Luke 4:43). But does the Church today clearly understand…

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