
Words Worth Rejecting or Redeeming with Dr. Elizabeth Youmans

Words are constantly created and redefined in our day. With such dramatic shifts, how can we have the “mind of Christ?” Words are not just sounds we utter; they…

What’s the Harm of IVF? With Katy Faust

The Alabama Supreme Court recently ruled that frozen embryos created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) are children. This case caused many to realize how little they know about IVF…

Easter Part 2: Representatives in a Foreign Land

How does Easter’s message interweave our daily lives? Jesus’ reign is not confined to some spiritual reality. His kingship radically transforms every aspect of our existence. From personal identity…

Biblical Worldview’s Influence on Family and Vocation with George Oliveira

Have you ever pondered how an unwavering faith can shape a person’s life and influence entire cultures? George Oliveira embodies DNA’s core values and models transformation through 20 years…

Understanding the Battle of Worldviews with Dr. Jeff Myers

“If you don’t understand the battle of worldviews, you can’t really understand anything.” This statement from today’s guest, Dr. Jeff Myers, summarizes the episode well. Dr. Myers, president of…

Easter Part 1: The Continuing Work of Christ

The Hebrew people in the Old Testament anticipated a Messiah that would be a priest and a King, radically changing every area of our worldly experience, and restoring it…

Beauty: Abortion’s Antidote with Sami Parker

Discover a vision for a culture that recognizes the innate beauty of every human life as we journey with Sami Parker of Live Action through the frontlines of pro-life…

Shifts in Journalism that Left Behind Objectivity and the Bible with Dr. Marvin Olasky

Increasingly, news culture pushes stories that advance their agenda from writers sitting behind a desk. Gone are the days when reporters would get onto the street to reveal the…

Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life with David Bahnsen

We have an active, working, creative God who created humanity to be like Him. As such, our daily work should be a source of meaning and purpose in our…

Faith Deconstruction: Helpful or Destructive?

Deconstruction is a phrase that is becoming increasingly common. Many even in the faith community have started using this phrase. What is the result of this phenomenon? How is…

Elon Musk Thinks the West Needs Christianity – Why? With Vishal Mangalwadi

Is God using Vishal Mangalwadi to disciple Jordan Peterson, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Tom Holland, and Elon Musk? Today, we discover the transformative power of Christianity on Western civilization through…

Needed! Boldness and Discernment in an Era of Distortion

Are we losing sight of truth in a culture smothered by falsehoods? Even within the church, according to Barna, 41% of American Christians believe that the only truth a…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

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