
What is an Abortion Abolitionist? | Bradley Pierce

Could the pro-life movement be missing the mark in its fight against abortion? Join us as Bradley Pierce, a constitutional attorney and president of the Foundation to Abolish Abortion,…

A Future Pro-Life Vision with Josiah Friedman

For the first time in 50 years in the United States, we find ourselves free from the deadly grip of Roe v Wade. Now with the decision to legalize…

The Population Collapse and the Ideas Driving It

Today we look at rapidly declining fertility rates in places like China, South Korea, Russia, Europe and North America. What are the consequences of this decline personally, economically and…

Environmentalism, Transhumanism, and Your Life’s Worth (Part 2 of 2)

False worldviews can have devastating consequences on human life. Join us as we breakdown two prominent Western worldviews, Anthroprecence Anti-Humanism (extreme environmentalism) and Transhumanism and explore their implications….

The Birth of Christ & the Sanctity of Life (Part 1 of 2)

Christ’s birth implicates the immense worth of human life, which must change our thoughts and form our actions toward others. While our culture continues to move further from its…

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