
Walking in Unity: Biblical Answers to Questions on Race and Racism with Monique Duson and Krista Bontrager

Are you tired of the endless divisive drone on race hustling, white guilt, victim culture, and the list goes on? You’re not alone; it’s time for a refreshing, biblically-based…

The Consequences of Killing God with John Stonestreet

The foundation of our society has shifted beneath our feet. Where there was once a firm base rooted in the Bible, we now find our culture in a moral…

Stand: Christianity vs. Social Justice with Jon Benzinger

Critical race theory and cultural Marxism dominate education, big business, media, and our societal discourse, but why and how has it also infiltrated the Church? Join us as we…

Critical Dilemma with Neil Shenvi

Dr. Neil Shenvi is one of the leading critics of critical theory, speaking and writing about it for over seven years. During this time, we have seen the debate…

New Year’s Resolutions are Dead

Today on Ideas Have Consequences, we talk about how decreasing popularity of New Year’s Resolutions actually reveals how our culture thinks about success and victimhood….

Christianity and Wokeness with Owen Strachan

Owen Strachan, author of “Christianity and Wokeness,” joins us to discuss the shift towards postmodernism in the culture and how we should respond….

Critical Race Theory Conference & Livestream

On Saturday, Sept. 24, Scott Allen will be a keynote speaker in Harrisville, PA, teaching on the topic of “Critical Race Theory: Is It Critical or Corrupting?” Livestream available!…

Monique Duson and Krista Bontrager on Biblical Justice and the Woke Agenda

Our culture frames everything as a fight between the oppressed and the oppressor. White vs colored. Straight vs gay. Rich vs poor. Is that view correct? Does it have…

Living faithfully in an increasingly hostile, post-Christian culture

Bible-believing Christians in America and much of the West are rapidly waking up to the reality that they truly do live in a post-Christian culture. It has become increasingly…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

Coram Deo is not just another school — we’re a school for discipling nations. Our online courses are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Designed to help Christians engage their communities in transforming ways, the course library will forever be FREE.

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