
How should Christians respond to the times we live in?

Today, Christ is not only ignored and rejected, but now He is becoming the target of malice. How do Christians respond to the times we live in? In this…

Should we Christianize culture? with Dr. Wayne Grudem

How should a biblical worldview inform our cultural engagement in this time of social crisis? Today’s honored guest, Dr. Wayne Grudem, is Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies…

What would a Christian Sexual Revolution look like?

What happens when we ignore God’s design for gender and family? Today, we’re positioning ourselves at the crux of this question, grappling with the implications of a society straying…

Understand and Embrace a Biblical Worldview with Dr. Jeff Myers

This episode peels back the layers of postmodern thinking, its impact on faith, self-perception, and the role of Summit Ministries in shaping young minds to champion Biblical truth. During…

Black America Looks Back to Move Forward with Bob Woodson

Bob Woodson’s heart is to see impoverished inner city black communities discipled. He has dedicated his entire life, from his first experiences growing up during Jim Crow to leading…

Business, Witchcraft, and Racism with Dennis Tongoi

One of the easiest ways to experience the power of worldview is to be confronted by another. Dr. Tongoi shares an African purview on race relations in the U.S….

Church Growth is Not Enough for Latin America with Mark Dunbar

What’s the difference between Churchianity and Christianity? What do we miss out on if we as believers focus on growing the Church and forget about the Kingdom? Why do…

We desperately need balladeers

But if the church does not disciple the nations, the nations will disciple the church. Darrow Miller Tweet Balladeers are an essential part of discipling the nations. In a…

What is a balladeer?

You may be wondering, “What is a balladeer?” To answer that question, here is an excerpt from Chapter 3 of Darrow Miller’s newly released A Call for Balladeers: Pursuing Art and…

Homosexuality, Ted Cruz, Uganda, and the Law with Tom Ascol

We made it through June. However, in many places around the world, cultures are being discipled more by the new LGBTQ “religion” instead of by the church. Today, we…

The Toxic War on Masculinity with Nancy Pearcey

Bestselling author Nancy Pearcey joins us to announce her newest and most controversial book yet. In a day when The Washington Post publishes headlines such as “Why Can’t We…

UPDATED — Coram Deo: The Online Training School of Disciple Nations Alliance

We have an exciting announcement! The online training school of Disciple Nations Alliance has been remodeled at to provide you with an improved experience on your phone, tablet,…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

Coram Deo is not just another school — we’re a school for discipling nations. Our online courses are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Designed to help Christians engage their communities in transforming ways, the course library will forever be FREE.


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