Kingdom of God

Kingdoms in Conflict

Scott Allen explains that to understand the kingdom of God, one first must understand there are two kingdoms in mortal conflict: Satan’s counterfeit kingdom and God’s true, eternal kingdom….

What Is the Kingdom of God?

Jesus said, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God because that is why I was sent” (Luke 4:43). But does the Church today clearly understand…

Christ and the Kingdom

BY DARROW MILLER Sadly today, the Great Commission has been reduced to the Greek Commission. In this article from his book Recovering Our Mission: Making God’s Invisible Kingdom Visible, Darrow…

God’s Kingdom Advances from the Inside Out

BY SCOTT ALLEN In this article, adapted from chapter seven of God’s Unshakable Kingdom, Scott Allen discusses how the kingdom of God transforms all of life and how it advances…

Possessing the Kingdom (Part 2)

BY HEIN VAN WYK Out of the 40 parables Jesus taught to his disciples and to others within earshot, 18 specifically were about the kingdom. In the four gospels,…

Possessing the Kingdom (Part 1)

Out of the 40 parables Jesus taught to his disciples and to others within earshot, 18 specifically were about the kingdom. In the four gospels, the phrases kingdom of…

One Theme: The Kingdom, One Lord: Jesus Christ

BY HECTOR PARDO Colombian pastor Hector Pardo speaks prophetically to churches, sharing his own journey of understanding what the Kingdom of God really is and challenging others to embrace…

Recovering a Vision for Kingdom Transformation

BY SCOTT ALLEN AND DARROW MILLER Scott Allen and Darrow Miller put forward a call for evangelical missions and Christian relief and development to reunite around a common vision…

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