
Why the Church Is Not Discipling the Nation

In this transcript of a powerful live presentation, Luis Sena addresses how the Church in the West has lost its true identity and, thus, has failed to be the…

Why the Church Is Not Discipling the Nation

In this powerful live presentation, Luis Sena addresses how the Church in the West has lost its true identity and, thus, has failed to be the redemptive agent God…

Great Commission Utilitarianism

BY DARROW MILLER According to Darrow Miller, “philosophic pragmatism” determines that something is valuable if it is functional; it is good if it works! Unfortunately, many Christians have, perhaps…

Our Target, God’s Glory

BY BOB MOFFITT Too often, our efforts at church planting and evangelism fail to bring about the transformation we hope to see in communities. Nevertheless, DNA co-founder Bob Moffitt…

The 21st-Century Mission: Discipling Nations

BY DARROW MILLER In this January 1998 article published by Evangelical Missions Quarterly, DNA co-founder Darrow Miller explains that evangelism and discipleship, while essential, are just the beginning of…

The Buses Will Wait: The Emergence and Rise of Neo-Evangelicalism

BY WAYNE WAGER In this very helpful paper, Pastor Wayne Wager makes useful distinctions between Christian fundamentalists and their evangelical counterparts. He examines both the strengths and weaknesses of…

Awakening the Cultural Dimension of the Great Commission

BY SCOTT ALLEN We are living at a Kairos moment in Church history: a pivotal time in which old paradigms are giving way to new ones. God is awakening…

The Local Church: Minimum v. Maximum

BY JOHN PIPER The Disciple Nations Alliance equips the Church to transform the world, but what exactly is the Church? In this helpful article adapted from a 1981 sermon,…

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