
Humanity: The Forsaken Soul of Western Civilization

BY VISHAL MANGALWADI “The contemporary West … is now busy amputating its soul. It is rejecting the source of its greatness, that is, the truth revealed by God’s Word…

The ABCs of Culture

BY SCOTT ALLEN, DARROW MILLER AND BOB MOFFITT Basic principles build the foundation of human cultures. They are the “ABCs” of culture. Paul refers to these elementary principles that…

God’s Kingdom Advances from the Inside Out

BY SCOTT ALLEN In this article, adapted from chapter seven of God’s Unshakable Kingdom, Scott Allen discusses how the kingdom of God transforms all of life and how it advances…

Possessing the Kingdom (Part 2)

BY HEIN VAN WYK Out of the 40 parables Jesus taught to his disciples and to others within earshot, 18 specifically were about the kingdom. In the four gospels,…

Possessing the Kingdom (Part 1)

Out of the 40 parables Jesus taught to his disciples and to others within earshot, 18 specifically were about the kingdom. In the four gospels, the phrases kingdom of…

The Christian View of the Child

BY ELIZABETH YOUMANS A growing percentage of the world’s population is children under age 25. Children are aborted, abused and abandoned. They are undervalued and often despised. The thing…

Recovering a Vision for Kingdom Transformation

BY SCOTT ALLEN AND DARROW MILLER Scott Allen and Darrow Miller put forward a call for evangelical missions and Christian relief and development to reunite around a common vision…

A Biblical Worldview Needed for the Prevention of HIV/AIDS

BY DICK DAY In this landmark paper, professor Dick Day argues that if the HIV/AIDS pandemic is to be curbed in Africa, there must be a paradigm shift as…

New video: The Normal Church.  

We can do this! This is the reaction we hope Christians around the world have when they see the stories of “normal” church members in this new video called:…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

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