
Coram Deo: Before the Face of God

BY SCOTT ALLEN AND DARROW MILLER Coram Deo, Latin for “before the face of God,” is about living every aspect of our lives in the presence of God, under…

The Education that Leads to Freedom

BY DARROW MILLER A nation cannot be discipled without equipped citizens. Only an education founded on a biblical worldview can impart that equipping. The Puritans developed a comprehensive and…

Recovering a Vision for Kingdom Transformation

BY SCOTT ALLEN AND DARROW MILLER Scott Allen and Darrow Miller put forward a call for evangelical missions and Christian relief and development to reunite around a common vision…

A Biblical Worldview Needed for the Prevention of HIV/AIDS

BY DICK DAY In this landmark paper, professor Dick Day argues that if the HIV/AIDS pandemic is to be curbed in Africa, there must be a paradigm shift as…

CBCT Uganda Story – Women Form Poverty Fighting Groups called “Unity is Strength”

BY JUDITH MURUNGI As an outcome of the Uganda CBCT training done by Transforming Nations Alliance (TNA) in partnership with the Disciple Nations Alliance, women in one district of…

COVID 19 An Opportunity To Demonstrate Compassion

How should Christians and Christian churches respond to the global Covid-19 pandemic? I’d like to encourage us to see this crisis as an opportunity unlike any in our lifetime—an…

Coram Deo Impact In Rwanda

“I began with Coram Deo, and this impacted me beyond what I can explain. I came to know the right mindset.  I came to realize that people were dying…

Discipling students at an American university requires creativity and a “foot-stomping tune”

Names have been altered due to sensitivities. “I believe the college campus is the most strategic mission field in the world,” says Brandon, who works in campus ministry at…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

Coram Deo is not just another school — we’re a school for discipling nations. Our online courses are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Designed to help Christians engage their communities in transforming ways, the course library will forever be FREE.


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