What worldview have you embraced?

If the Church doesn’t disciple the Nation, the Nation will disciple the Church.

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E-Books & Study GuidesPrinted Books

The Grand Design

“Darrow offers a healing biblical vision where men and women reflect the relationship within the Trinity: unity without uniformity and diversity without superiority.” Nancy Pearcey Professor and scholar in residence...
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Worldviews Matter

Why does our worldview matter? Because it shapes what we think and do, and it shapes the world around us. When our communities and nations are filled with bitter fruit,...
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E-Books & Study GuidesPrinted Books

A Call for Balladeers

It’s time for Christian artists to really understand the significance of their gift and their calling Through a biblical lens, Darrow Miller examines what it means to be a Christian...
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Living the Kingdom Life

This video is the first in a series that corresponds with the small group Bible study booklet, available for free download -- Living the Kingdom Life: 12 Truths to Guide...
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Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

Coram Deo is not just another school — we’re a school for discipling nations. Our online courses are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Designed to help Christians engage their communities in transforming ways, the course library will forever be FREE.

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Darrow's blog

Darrow is co-founder of the Disciple Nations Alliance and a featured author and teacher. For over 30 years, Darrow has been a popular conference speaker on topics that include Christianity and culture, apologetics, worldview, poverty, and the dignity of women.

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Podcast Episodes

What is an Abortion Abolitionist? | Bradley Pierce

Could the pro-life movement be missing the mark in its fight against abortion? Join us as Bradley Pierce, a constitutional attorney and president of the Foundation to Abolish Abortion, challenges conventional thinking with his abolitionist perspective. With deep conviction and significant legal experience—including his role in the landmark Dobbs v. Jackson case…

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Podcast Episodes

Cultural Discipleship: Don’t Miss This Exciting Opportunity | Alisa Childers

Are we in a uniquely pivotal moment for Christians to shape culture? As interest in the Bible and openness to Christianity seem to be on the rise, believers might have a unique window of opportunity to disciple the nations. But how should we approach this exciting challenge? We sit down with well-known author, speaker, and podcaster, Alisa Childers to go over the three predominant approaches to cultural engagement, as outlined by theologian Owen Strachan in his clarifying article, “One ‘Holy Nation’ in Christ…

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Podcast Episodes

The Most Important Word You’ve Never Heard Of

There is nothing in this life that can cause a Christian to lose hope. Why? Because we follow the Author of history—His-story—the God of eucatastrophe. Eucatastrophe, a term coined by renowned author J.R.R. Tolkien, describes the powerful theme throughout Scripture where stories of seeming catastrophe suddenly take a dramatic turn for good at the last possible moment…

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