We are pleased to announce the release of a new book co-written by Scott Allen, president of the DNA Global Secretariat, titled: As the Family Goes, So Goes the Nation: Principles and Practices for Building Healthy Families.
Haga click para obtener la versión en español: La familia, base de una nación
The book is an important addition to our DNA library of resources because of the vital roles that marriage and family play in discipling nations. Historically, the DNA has emphasized the central role of local churches in blessing, healing and restoring broken nations, but equally important is the place of family: the first and most basic social institution in any society.
Simply put, healthy families produce healthy nations. Healthy families are those united by a solid spiritual foundation in Christ.
Today, the prevailing culture has redefined marriage and family, and non-Christian habits of thought and practice dominate, even in the church. Christian parents need a biblical vision of purpose, wholeness and joy in marriage and family life, and a practical plan for applying the wisdom and power of God’s Word to their lives.
As the Family Goes, So Goes the Nation emphasizes the purpose of marriage and family in God’s overarching redemptive plan for the nations. It not only lays out the basic biblical principles that form the foundation of marriage and family; it also encourages application by providing helpful and creative suggestions for applying each principle.
Along with Scott, the book is co-authored by Dr. Elizabeth Youmans and Dr. Jill Thrift. Dr. Youmans is founder and president of Chrysalis International, a DNA affiliated organization. Elizabeth’s calling is to disciple leaders and transform education by nurturing the hearts and minds of teachers, parents and children for Christ through her AMO® Program. She resides in Orlando, Florida and is the mother of four children and grandmother of eight.
Dr. Jill Thrift is an early childhood educator who serves the interests of children and parents as a teacher, writer and advocate for public policies that protect and nurture children and families. She is the mother of one grown son and resides in San Antonio, Texas.
The book is intended for use by married couples and parents (and those preparing for marriage and parenting in the future). It is also written for pastors and church leaders as a resource for equipping their members to fulfill their roles as husbands, wives, mothers and fathers.
The book now is available at Amazon.
A Spanish-language version of the book is now available! Click here for La familia, base de una nación.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Marriage, Family and Worldview (Scott Allen)
Chapter 2: Pursing God’s Design for Marriage (Scott Allen)
Chapter 3: God’s Design for the Family (Scott Allen)
Chapter 4: God’s Purpose for the Family in Discipling Nations (Scott Allen)
Chapter 5: The Power of Words and God’s Word (Elizabeth Youmans)
Chapter 6: The Christian View of Children (Elizabeth Youmans)
Chapter 7: The Home as a Vital Learning Center (Elizabeth Youmans)
Chapter 8: Nurturing the Whole Child for Life and Leadership (Jill Thrift and Elizabeth Youmans)
Chapter 9: Establishing Family Worship (Jill Thrift and Elizabeth Youmans)
Chapter 10: Celebrating Family Traditions and Godly Heritage (Jill Thrift and Elizabeth Youmans)
Chapter 11: Loving and Serving Others (Scott Allen and Jill Thrift)
Appendix 1: A Note to Single Parents and to the Church
Appendix 2: A Word for Pastors and Local Church Leaders
Appendix 3: “God’s One Anothers” from the New Testament
2 Responses
I would be happy to put my life in this book again, it’s again because it’s through this DNA material that our Church can tell what the love of God is and how it’s used both at personal level and Community. How can I get the book?
I am a freelancer trainer.
Rev. Capt. Livingstone Nyanje
Dear Sir,
Thanks so much for your comment! You can purchase the book through Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Family-Goes-Nation-Principles-Practices/dp/098939381X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376320923&sr=8-1&keywords=as+the+family+goes+so+goes+the+nation
Many blessings to you!
-Mary at the DNA