Ideas are powerful; they can edify, or they can destroy. The DNA exists to spread ideas that contribute to the building of God’s kingdom and the flourishing of all nations. The first DNA book, called Discipling Nations, has made its way around the globe, and through it God has touched hearts and changed minds.
Recently, this book fell into the hands of several top Christian leaders in Tanzania, including the prime minister, the speaker of parliament, the attorney general, and several other prominent leaders in the government and business sectors.

Mwassa himself received the book from Merle and Claudia Wiens, friends of the DNA who have worked for ReachGlobal for almost 22 years.
Merle gave a copy of Discipling Nations to Mwassa at the end of 2011, and he read it in just a few days. “Brother Merle,” Mwassa wrote in response, “the book you gave it is an amazing book amongst many books I have read on social development. We need to sit down and critically plan how can we use the knowledge and principles revealed in this book to transform my people–Tanzanians. Thank you so much for the book.”
Since then, Mwassa has attended several Vision Conferences and plans to be trained as a conference leader before the end of the year.
Please pray for Mwassa’s follow-up meetings with these leaders, that God’s plans to heal brokenness and restore all things would be recognized by these leaders and realized across Tanzania.