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Disciple Nations Alliance consists of like-minded individuals and organizations who actively advance the mission within their spheres of influence. Healing Nations is one such affiliate organization. The mission of Healing Nations is to cultivate spiritual and physical flourishing through cross-cultural ministry. They do this by connecting churches and groups across borders and providing them with wholistic discipleship tools. Hear more about Healing Nations from executive director Mike Bell at their website.

Mike Bell first stumbled upon the DNA by accident. Having been impacted by a paper authored by Ralph Winter on the historical bifurcation of the church, Mike was scouring the internet in search of an electronic copy. When he finally found one, it was on the DNA’s website. Mike writes:

I began exploring the site and realized DNA was the next step in the journey to understanding the wholistic nature of the Gospel and what the Kingdom of God was really all about.

Since then, Healing Nations has begun integrating DNA materials into its training in a number of ways. They promote Coram Deo online courses as a discipleship tool for individuals and groups preparing for mission trips. They utilize Made to Flourish and Footings: Worldview Training for Children as additional discipleship tools.

Healing Nations is also currently working with a pastor in Cuba to launch Coram Deo classes in his community and distribute DNA materials among other local pastors.

Mike Bell’s hope is that the integration of Coram Deo will spark transformation in the hearts of individuals and begin to spread within church congregations. We look forward to hearing how God uses DNA materials and the mission of Healing Nations to unite individuals and communities across borders and truly bring healing to the nations.

Does your organization or ministry use DNA materials? We would love to connect with you! Email us at

Find out more about DNA affiliate organizations here.

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