Women of Hope: Engaging with people affected by disability

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How do you interact with people affected by disability? What beliefs drive your actions?

The way we interact with people living with disabilities is largely shaped by our worldview, which is often formed by the beliefs and attitudes of our culture. When these beliefs are based on truth they bring life. But beliefs based on misconceptions and lies result in harm.

Kim Kargbo is president, CEO, and co-founder of Women of Hope, a Disciple Nations Alliance affiliate organization that exists to equip the body of Christ to promote transformation among people living with disabilities, especially women in the developing world. Kim says,

As [a missionary kid] who grew up in the developing world and then worked there again as an adult, it has long been evident to me that worldview issues are THE MAIN causative factor in poverty, illness, corruption, and the lack of the gospel taking root in much of the evangelized world. The emphasis on getting our worldview correctly aligned with Scripture and letting all other work flow from that resonated with me immediately, and the tools provided by DNA to do just that have been most helpful.

Kim Kargbo and her team at Women of Hope recognize that we must assess and adjust our worldview if we are to truly bless those affected by disability.

Are we serving the 15%?

In a recent article, Kim wrote,

During Jesus’ time on Earth, he gravitated to the poor, the disabled, and people on the fringes of society. Most of those he physically healed were individuals with disabilities. Approximately 15% (1 billion people) of the world has a disability of some sort, and yet due to stigma, this ostracized population is left vastly unreached and underserved. … What did Jesus’ interaction with the disabled look like, and what should that mean for us? Are we serving the 15%?

Theology of Disability

In order to address these questions, Women of Hope has created a Theology of Disability workshop – a program which applies biblical worldview teachings to help people engage with and transform their beliefs and attitudes about disability.

In this workshop, participants evaluate their individual worldview and beliefs and compare them to biblical truth. Through highly participatory, Bible-based, interactive sessions, participants will wrestle with such issues as:

  • How does God view the identity of a person with a disability?
  • Does God curse people?
  • Does God cause disability?
  • Are all people equally valuable?
  • What do we think about disability?
  • Are people with disabilities welcome in our churches?
  • And much more
You’re Invited

Join Women of Hope for their first-ever Equip Bootcamp, a three-day training on the Theology of Disability workshop. This “Training of Trainers” will challenge your worldview and offer a biblical perspective of disability. Attendees will leave equipped to effectively teach the Theology of Disability workshop in their own context.

Equip Bootcamp
Memphis, Tennessee
October 10-12, 2018

This is a valuable opportunity for anyone who desires to learn how to more fully engage with the 15% and train others to do so as well.

Registration is now open! You can learn more about the Equip Bootcamp and Theology of Disability workshop here, or contact Women of Hope at admin@wohint.org.

Spots are limited. Reserve yours today!

Click here to learn more about Kim Kargbo, Women of Hope, and how this transformational organization integrates DNA worldview teachings into their programs in order to equip the church to transform the lives of those affected by disability.

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