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Children at a school in the American state of Virginia are learning what it means to live coram Deo through a song written by their principal’s husband. Watch him play the song below, and scroll down for the lyrics!

This school, Grace Christian School in the town of Staunton, is one of several throughout the world participating in a program called the Worklife Restoration and Advancement Project (WRAP). This program, developed by our friend Christian Overman at Worldview Matters, uses Darrow Miller’s book LifeWork as required reading. School administrators and faculty have found the teaching transformative, causing a positive ripple effect on the schools’ students and families.

Teachers who have completed the intensive WRAP program have said:

“This project is the future of Christian education. It is powerful! As kids are connected to God, their learning has meaning and purpose.”

“If every Christian school could teach in this way, it would transform Christian education.”

“I have a renewed vision for the purpose of my life as a Christian teacher.”

Click here to learn more about WRAP

Lyrics for the Coram Deo Song:

Coram Deo! Coram Deo!
Before the face of God I live my days.
In all I do and say, your name be praised!

You made me for good works in Christ.
You planned them before I was born.
A holy, living sacrifice.
That’s why I’ve been reborn!


I will follow your commands, oh God.
Faithful in all my ways.
My heart and soul, mind and strength,
Are for your glory all of my days!


Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 
For the glory of your name!

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