Teaching biblical worldview in Mongolia

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IMG_4930DNA co-founder Darrow Miller recently returned from his first trip to Mongolia where he taught for two days on biblical worldview and the intersection of faith and vocation to 26 pastors from all over the nation.

Below, Pastor Miga, one of the conference attendees, explains how we have to teach the whole Bible if we want to make disciples and change culture. The conference gave him a bigger vision for his ministry.

IMG_4944During his sessions, Darrow touched on the power of art to shape culture and was asked to teach a third day focusing on this specific topic. Even with short notice, the impromptu “worldview and the arts” mini-conference drew more than 80 people.

Darrow, wearing traditional Mongolian dress, stands with Munkhuu Tuvshin, the DNA’s main contact in Mongolia. Last year, Munkhuu finished translating Discipling Nations into his native language.

While teaching at a local church on Sunday morning, Darrow met Tuya Khongorzul, the executive director of Focus on the Family in Mongolia. Khongorzul says the divorce rate in her nation is high and increasing, along with suicide among children. There is estimated to be at least one alcoholic in every family, and teenage pregnancy, infidelity, abortion and cohabitation also are on the rise.

The DNA teaches the “inside-out process transformation”–that for nations to be discipled as God intends, individuals and families first must be transformed:


Focus on the Family in Mongolia recently hosted a counseling seminar for 77 professionals including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, teachers and students. They provide professional counseling for all age groups, training for parents, and an upcoming art-therapy program for children. They also speak regularly on the radio and on Mongolian television stations, discussing child psychology and promoting healthy family values.

Khongorzul recently received a small collection of DNA books and is considering how to use them in her work.

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