‘Discipling Nations’ now is available in Mongolian!

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After eight months of hard work by dedicated volunteers, Discipling Nations now is available in Mongolian!

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“Actually, right now we are in an important time as our Mongolian churches decide whether to go in the biblical way or traditional,” says Munkhuu Tuvshin (left) who led the translation effort. He hopes the book will help Mongolian churches see the value and power of the biblical worldview not only for their congregations but for the whole of Mongolia.

“This book itself cannot change Mongolia, but my prayer is that God would use it to disciple our nation,” Munkhuu says.

Bob Moffitt, co-founder of the DNA and founding director of the Harvest Foundation, first taught about biblical worldview to Munkhuu and other pastors in Mongolia in 2007. Munkhuu took the teachings to heart, applying them in his day-to-day life and delighting in the resulting changes he saw in his people.

Photo of Munkhuu and students“Bob has been my mentor and closest person in God,” says Munkhuu who has kept in close touch with Bob over e-mail and Skype. The two reunited earlier this year to teach together; here is a photo of Munkhuu (foreground) with their students.

To order copies of Discipling Nations in Mongolian, please e-mail Munkhuu.

To inquire about other translations of DNA materials or to explore how to translate materials yourself, please e-mail info@disciplenations.org.

Photo of Munkhuu and students




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