Video: Darrow Miller teaches YWAM students and staff in Kona, and Brazil!

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In late October, Darrow spoke to a group of over one thousand students and staff at the Community Night at the University of the Nations in Kona, Hawai’i.

Kona hosts one of the largest YWAM bases in the world, with students from over 50 nations on the campus. The lecture was translated into Korean for the large contingency of students from that country in the audience.

Darrow gave a powerful and enlightening lecture titled The Three Books: A Theology of Education. It is available on YouTube.

Amazon Reach team watching Darrow’s lecture, originally recorded in Kona

Just a few days later, Darrow heard from friends at Amazon Reach in Brazil. Amazon Reach is a ministry to hard-to-reach communities along Brazil’s river banks. The team had accessed Darrow’s lecture online and immediately translated it into Portuguese in order to watch and discuss it together.

It was exciting to learn that this teaching was heard in multiple languages and locations in just a matter of days! May you be encouraged by the far-reaching impact of biblical truth as you live and work and minister in your community today.


A portion of this story was originally featured on the Darrow Miller & Friends blog.


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