Towards a Wholistic Life and Ministry … New Book Release

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Scott Allen’s newest Bible study book, Beyond the Sacred-Secular Divide: Towards a Wholistic Life and Ministry, was recently released by YWAM Publishing.

See a sample chapter and purchase it at the Beyond the Sacred-Secular Divide website. You can also order it at the DNA store.

The Bible reveals God as the Creator and Lord of everything. Yet for many people, including many Christians, this comprehensive worldview has become obscured. But God is leading a generation back to an undivided understanding of the kingdom of God and the earth.

Beyond the sacred-secular divide lies a fulfilling, integrated life that unites the spiritual and the physical.

God cares about every part, and we have the incredible opportunity to join him in his all-encompassing, redemptive plan for our world. What are we waiting for?

Go here for more information, including multiple endorsements.

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