Southeast Asian church doubles in size in just one day

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This story comes from our partners in Southeast Asia, Reconciled World, through whom more than 700 local churches are being discipled, and God is vibrantly on the move. For the safety of our partners and local believers, we are not disclosing the specific country.

In one area, there was a small church made up of 10 families. After they completed just the first training, “Introduction to Wholistic Ministry,” they wanted to show God’s love to a family whose wife was having heart surgery. The church decided to help in a very practical way: by harvesting the family’s crops while the wife was recovering and the husband was tending to her in the hospital.

About 30 people from this tiny church set out to the couple’s field — pulling up crops, bagging them and delivering them to the couple’s doorstep.

When the couple returned from the hospital, they were very surprised and moved because they had worried about what to do with their crops waiting to be harvested. Even facing high medical bills, they had assumed their harvest would have to be abandoned.

They said they wanted to believe in God because they had been seeking love but had never found any until they saw the love in the church.

The couple opened their hearts to Christ after receiving such a practical example of his sacrificial love for them. On top of that, nine other families in the community witnessed this event and also asked to receive Christ!

Praise the Lord who orchestrates all such events for His glory.

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