Cultivating Imagination and Deep Thinking Amid a Culture War with Samuel Felix

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In today’s anti-Christian culture, how can churches, ministries, and all of us communicate effectively with people who would rather not listen to what we have to say? What strategies can we employ to help people engage the biblical worldview? Our featured guest, Samuel Felix, is a long-time friend and Kingdomizer who works professionally as a digital artist and communication specialist. Samuel has a unique gift for helping people to reflect deeply and understand complex ideas. His goal is to turn passive consumers into active thinkers who take their assumptions and worldviews seriously.

Special Guest

Samuel Felix is a motion designer and creative communications director from Brazil. Felix and his wife Carolina have four children. Hearing Darrow Miller speak at a ministry program in Australia was a turning point in his life. Samuel has been involved in the creative industry for the last decade, developing design concepts and animated graphics to tell stories, explain an idea, or sell a product.

When asked to share about a “cultural lie” that he has seen in the creative industry, he responded by saying that some believe “beauty is a matter of personal taste or preference. I say that God is beauty, and we can see it clearly in His creation; so if we want to create beautiful designs with good purpose, we should aim for the Grand Designer as a reference.”

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"We are His image; we are co-creators with God. We just don’t accept things as they are in culture."

Samuel Felix


We are not what we absorb from culture or our environment – we are who God says we are. We are His image; we are co-creators with God. We just don’t accept how things are. We can come up with ideas – we can suggest new things. – Samuel Felix


The lie that resources are fixed, limited, and people have no access to them is one of the biggest cultural lies that DNA has faced around the world. It holds so many people back. At the end of the day, it’s the mind, ideas, imagination and work that is the source of resources. That’s such a liberating truth for people. – Scott Allen

Go Deeper

The Grand Design

DNA’s Grand Design course will surprise and delight you. Many participants find they are engaging elements of worldview and the biblical narrative in ways they never have before. Their self-understanding has improved, as they realize what it means to be transcendently and biologically male or female. This has breathed fresh life and purpose into areas that previously felt mundane and unimportant, and their family relationships have improved. It’s time that you discovered the Grand Design.

Take your first step by starting our free course today!

Discipling Nations: The Power of Truth to Transform Cultures

The power of the gospel to transform individual lives has been clearly evident throughout New Testament history. But what of the darkness and poverty that enslaves entire cultures, even nations? Have Christians underestimated the power of God’s truth to transform entire societies? Have Christians underestimated the power of God’s truth to transform entire societies? In Discipling Nations, Darrow Miller builds a powerful and convincing thesis that God’s truth not only breaks the spiritual bonds of sin and death but can free whole societies from deception and poverty. Completely revised and updated for the third edition, Discipling Nations will challenge, reenergize, and equip Christians everywhere who labor to see His kingdom come, His will be done. Also available in other languages.

DNA Videos by Samuel Felix

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