God is at work all the time, everywhere, day and night. Many of his efforts go unnoticed (which is not to say they’re insignificant). But sometimes, he moves so mightily that it commands awe from every witness–his power fills the room like a thick smoke you can’t ignore.
So it was one evening in May when DNA co-founder Darrow Miller fulfilled an invitation to speak to a group of 100 people in Spain. This was a gathering of Youth with a Mission (YWAM) colleagues from 21 countries, and “the whole place just came unglued,” says Darrow.
His topic that night was “Sexism and the Spirit of Baal,” which explored the spiritual root of sexist culture in pagan, animistic religion. Baal worship led the Israelites to define husband as “owner-master.” This stands in contrast to God who is the loving, self-sacrificing husband (Ishi in Hebrew). He also taught “The Coming of the Bridegroom,” explaining how Christ treated women with dignity and respect. Jesus was the “true feminist,” breaking the mold of sexist culture in his own day.
These biblical revelations–of God’s nature as husband to Israel and Christ’s nature as husband to the Church–penetrated many hearts, one of whom was Mikel, a Spanish pastor who then publicly declared how the Spirit of God was moving him to do something he’d never done before.
Here is Pastor Mikel’s testimony:
From the first day, I was very impacted by all that I was hearing regarding the dignity of the woman. I was being confronted personally, to the point of being challenged by God. Then I said to myself, I have to do something!
The next day, I was once again touched by the theme of the dignity of women and everything in my mind was revolving around this. That night, Darrow shared about the character of Ishi and, when the meeting ended, something arose strongly in my heart. I had to ask forgiveness to all women, especially those in Spain!
God showed me how to do this: how to use a prophetic act of washing the feet of one of the sisters there who would represent all the women in the world. I was to ask forgiveness for all the abuse, deceit and indifference that they had experienced at the hands of men.
A sister volunteered and came forward. I began to wash her feet, and I could perceive her tenderness, but I couldn’t look her in the face. God told me that was because of our “acts of shame” as men that I was unable to look her in the face.
Then, I kissed her feet trying to “show the tenderness” of God and express that we men want to change.
Finally, I drank the water that I had used to wash her feet as a sign of repentance. God said to me: “So it is that men must swallow their words, insults and vexations that they have been doing for so many years.
Then it was so special to see how all the sisters present fulfilled this prophetic act by offering their forgiveness. A weight was lifted, for them and for us and in Spain.
Beatriz is the woman who had her feet washed that night:
My name is Beatriz, I am 24 years old in Spanish nationality. This is my testimony about the night the Darrow spoke about the dignity of women. That night, God spoke to a Spanish pastor that he should honor woman and wash her feet. At no time did I think about going forward, but finally, I decided to take the step and be the chosen one.
From the time I took a seat in the chair, I started to feel God’s presence in a supernatural way. Never in my whole life had anyone washed my feet, much less a man. I had always had traumatic experiences with the opposite sex where the enemy had stolen my identity as a woman.
That night, I was able to receive freedom, restoration, dignity and truth. I saw the love of God toward women through the pastor and how God returned to me all that I had lost. I felt privileged to be able to represent many Spanish women. I know that this is marked my story and it has broken many lies. I am sure this is the beginning of the return to the original culture that God created.
“It was one of the most remarkable moments of my life; the Spirit of God met with us,” says Darrow. “Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with your presence.”
If you would like to learn more about the biblical value of women, please consider:
Watching a taped presentation on this topic by Darrow
Purchasing Darrow’s book on this topic, Nurturing the Nations, in English or Spanish
E-mailing the DNA with any additional questions
Pastor Mikel:
Desde el primer día me impactó mucho todo lo que estaba escuchando en cuanto a la dignidad de la mujer incluso yo mismo estaba siendo confrontado.
Hasta el punto de ser retado por Dios, entonces dije en mi interior:algo tengo que hacer.
Al día siguiente se volvió a tocar el tema de la dignidad de la mujer y todo en mi mente giraba en torno a ello.
En esa noche Darrow compartió a cerca del carácter de Ishi y al finalizar la reunión subió algo muy fuerte a mi corazón, tenia que pedir perdón a todas las mujeres en este caso de España.
Dios puso la manera: como un acto profético Dios me dijo que lavase los pies de una hermana de las que allí estaban representando a todas las mujeres en el mundo,y le pidiese perdón por todos los abusos, engaños, maltratos e indiferencias que habían experimentado de parte del los hombres.
Una hermana voluntaria vino y empecé a lavarle los pies podía percibir su ternura pero no le podía mirar a la cara, Dios me decía que era por nuestros
“actos de vergüenza” como hombres que no podía mirarle a la cara.
Luego besé sus pies tratando de “mostrar la ternura” de Dios y expresando que los hombres queremos cambiar .
Finalmente bebí el agua con que había lavado sus pies en señal de “arrepentimiento” y Dios me dijo: así es como tiene que tragar el hombre sus palabras, insultos y vejaciones que ha venido haciendo por años.
Luego fue muy especial ver como todas las hermanas presentes completaron este acto profético ofreciéndonos su perdón, un peso fue quitado; para ellas y para nosotros y en España.
Mi nombre es Beatriz. Tengo 24 años y mi nacionalidad es española, y este es mi testimonio sobre la noche que Darrow habló sobre la dignidad de la mujer;
En esa noche Dios hablo a un pastor español que devía honorar a la mujer y lavarle los pies, en ningún momento pensé en salir pero al final decidí dar el paso y ser la escogida. Desde el momento que me senté en la silla empecé a sentir la presencia de Dios de una manera sobrenatural, nunca en mi vida nadie me había lavado los pies y menos un hombre, siempre había tenido experiencias traumáticas con el sexo opuesto donde el enemigo robo mi identidad como mujer, en esa noche pude recibir libertad, restauración, dignidad y verdad, vi el amor de Dios hacia la mujer a través del pastor y como Dios me devolvía todo lo que perdí. Me sentí privilegia de poder representar a muchas mujeres españolas, sé que esto a marcado la historia y que a quebrado muchas mentiras y estoy segura que es el comienzo de regresar a la cultura original que Dios creó.
4 Responses
I am not beneficial where you’re obtaining your facts, nevertheless superior subject. I actually ought to spend some time knowing additional or maybe comprehension a lot more. Appreciation for great information I’d been looking for this info in my objective.
What a night was that one, I was so blessed for being part of this event which blessed me so much and I cannot even start describing it and how impacted I was and have been since that conference. I am so grateful to Him and for inspiring his servant Darrow to bring us such knowledge. I pray God continue to bless you Darrow…
Wow, great, Deya! It’s wonderful to hear from you. Please keep in touch and let us know how God continues to use you to bring truth, beauty and goodness to your own community. You can always e-mail us at info@disciplenations.org.