NEW resource to teach biblical worldview to children

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We are thrilled to announce the release of a very important new resource from the Disciple Nations Alliance, Footings for Children: Imparting a Biblical Worldview so They Can Thrive, written by our director of international programs, Dwight Vogt, along with Karen Jacobsen.

For nations to be discipled, Christ’s followers must allow the biblical worldview to enlighten every area of their lives, and they must carry it outward into every sphere of society.

Essential to this task is the discipleship of our children. Building healthy, free and prosperous nations is a multi-generational endeavor, and it begins with the training of children in knowledge of the truth. This training is a primary responsibility of Christian parents, equipped and supported by local churches.

Parents and Child
If you have a heart to disciple your nation, begin with the children in your life!

Footings for Children is perfect for:

  • After-school or para-school programs
  • Sunday schools
  • Christian camps
  • Family devotions
  • Home schools

Footings for Children is designed to be adapted to any cultural context, including settings where teaching aids and tools are limited. The lessons are appropriate for beginning teachers and those more experienced.

Click here to learn about the four versions of Footings for Children
and the authors behind them.

Rosaura MesonesThere are several hundred children and adolescents in Peru, from all walks of life, that have experienced the blessing of being exposed to the profound and yet simply-expressed practical teachings of Footings for Children.

Footings is an excellent resource with a great holistic approach, presenting topics not often covered in children’s ministry in my country. The lessons are well-written and appropriate for beginning teachers as well as more experienced ones.

With its active and participatory methodology, and adapting for different age groups, we have successfully used these lessons in children’s clubs and Sunday Schools in both rural and urban communities. With a few adaptations, they have also been used with children health promoters and a parent training program. I have no doubt that Footings for Children will continue to bless young and old.

Rosaura Mesones, former country director of Food for the Hungry, Peru

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One Response

  1. I served with Food for the Hungry in Peru while Rosaura was the country director, and would love to get in touch with her again. Is there any way to get her contact information from you?

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