JOIN US at the International Wholistic Missions Conference

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Join us at this exciting conference where DNA co-founder Darrow Miller will be a plenary speaker. Click the image above to learn more and register! See you there!

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Zongo Wendyoaga Jean de Dieu
Zongo Wendyoaga Jean de Dieu
10 years ago

Greating in love of our Lord Jesus. I would like to get more information about the International Wholistic Missions Conference. I’m from Burkina Faso /west Africa.

Disciple Nations Alliance

Dear Pastor Zongo, thanks so much for your inquiry. I would suggest you explore the conference’s website: If you have more questions after exploring the website, you may wish to contact the conference’s organizers here:

The DNA is not part of organizing this conference; we are only presenting at it. I hope you might be able to join us there!

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