On October 25, the powerful documentary film “It’s a Girl” played for about 140 people in Phoenix, Arizona. The film exposes the horror of the One-Child Policy in China, deadly, deep-seated prejudice against females in India, and the resulting gender imbalance in these two countries.
Every year, according to an expert featured in the film, China and India together eliminate more baby girls than all the girls born in one year in the United States.
The audience included university students, Christian laborers, a high-school principal and her students, and many others spanning ages 14 to 80. Following the film, DNA co-founder Darrow Miller and “It’s a Girl” director, Evan Grae Davis, entertained questions from the crowd. Several audience members purchased copies of Nurturing the Nations and the “It’s a Girl” DVD, promising to show the film to their small groups and churches.
Two literally life-saving organizations were highlighted:
Since the screening in Phoenix, this film has been shown to the European Parliament and myriad groups all over the world. Evan Grae Davis (its director) was invited to speak at the Ted X Conference in Mumbai, and Eric Metaxas wrote a powerful piece on this topic in BreakPoint.
Gendercide is a topic on which Darrow Miller has researched, written and spoken extensively. Click here to read a collection of his thoughts, and pray about how you can engage with this important issue.