In case you missed it … a “must” read blog entry at Darrow Miller & Friends

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Darrow and Gary from the DNA International Secretariat office recently wrote a powerful blog post that speaks to two highly pertinent issues.

The post, The Moral Poverty of the West: Its Cause, Effect, and Solution, focuses on what is required to reverse the cultural decline in the West. At the same time, the piece applies equally to struggling nations everywhere.

Because it presents ideas that are so central to the DNA—the need for church-based social and cultural transformation—we wanted to share it at this page as well.

Who is not stunned by today’s news stories of violence?

  • On July 22 Anders Behring Breivik murdered 91 fellow Norwegians.
  • Just two weeks later we witnessed the August riots in England.
  • Riots tore apart France in the fall of 2005.
  • “Flash mobs,” organized by social media, are bringing mayhem to increasing numbers of US cities.

Much of the Western elite, arguing from atheistic/materialistic assumptions, locate the root of these problems in poverty, lack of jobs, and poor education. … Such thinking fails to recognize that the life of a nation is rooted in the soul of a nation.  …

Go here to read the rest of the post.

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