Imam Confesses Christ at Wholism Conference in Sudan

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Chris Ampadu, West Africa Coordinator for SSA

Chris Ampadu, who works with Samaritan Strategy Africa, a Disciple Nations Alliance affiliate, recently spoke to pastors in Sudan at a conference facilitated by the Humanitarian International Services Group. Chris presented DNA messages on the importance of a biblical worldview for transformation and the role of churches in ministering to the needs of the larger community, including the Muslim minority.

Chris describes a thrilling moment in the closing ceremony:

The highlight of the celebration was when a mosque preacher, an Imam, who we did not know was a participant, walked forward and said, “Having listened to the wholistic message of loving one’s neighbor as oneself, including loving your enemies, and the rest of the transformational messages, I hereby openly declare my departure from the Islamic faith and identify myself with the family of Jesus Christ.

Humanitarian International Services Group (or HISG) is a non-governmental organization that provides support services to US and international for-profit and non-profit organizations for crisis response and humanitarian developmental initiatives. HISG has adapted DNA messages and content for their training programs. Chris has faciltiated DNA content in several HISG training events in Africa and Eastern Europe.

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