Churches Together, DNA Partner to Link African and North American Churches

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In April and May, DNA and Churches Together (CT) joined efforts to host several vision casting events for North American churches in Georgia, South Carolina and Arizona. The purpose of these events was to cast vision for wholistic, church-based transformation, and offer churches the opportunity to form relationships with African churches that have pre-qualified by hosting a DNA Vision Conference.

The relationship between CT and DNA is not new. For several years, DNA co-founder Bob Moffitt has served on the CT Board of Directors. Recently, CT entered into formal cooperation with Samaritan Strategy Africa to build relationships with African pastors and churches that have attended DNA Vision Conferences and are actively applying the training.

Hein Van Wyk with wife Helene

Samaritan Strategy Africa appointed Hein VanWyk, director of the SSA Southern Africa region, as liaison to CT. Hein has worked closely with CT executive director, Robert Brown, to establish relationships with African churches, and to spread word in North America of partnership opportunities with African churches. Hein was the featured speaker at the recent events in Georgia, South Carolina and Phoenix.

From Robert Brown, CT Executive Director:

On last night’s newscast, I heard of a neighborhood where homes are cracking – literally cracking apart – due to poor foundations.  Apparently the contractor cut corners when it came to investing the time, effort, and cost required to lay a firm foundation.  The consequences are painful!

Churches Together seeks to help churches in North America and Africa work together.  However, we see the same story repeated far too often:  Churches jump into partnerships without laying a firm foundation.  And the consequences are painful!

As the Executive Director of CT, I am so very thankful for the work of DNA!  The Biblical Worldview training that DNA/Samaritan Strategy Africa has provided to African churches has enabled many of them to become God’s agents of real and lasting transformation.  Thanks be to God!

Robert Brown

The goal of CT is to find individuals and churches in North America to come alongside and support the great work these indigenous churches are doing.  We’ve learned, however, that we can’t rush into the partnership without first building a firm foundation.  So the challenge before us is to learn how to contextualize and provide DNA/Biblical Worldview Training for people living in North America.

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22 Responses

  1. Greetings from church of God ministries is very interested to hear about and the great work your doing today on this planet especially in spreading God’s work.we are looking forward to you as New partners on short-term and long term relationship in leadership development, to help church developmen and evangelism, to help in women development.we request volunteers for short term in evangelism, the doctors,, preachers, church planters in Uganda East Africa.
    Thank you for your kind consideration
    Pastor Paul kitobo
    Church of God ministries.

  2. Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    We’re very much impressed to discover your Ministry and your good teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ that you give to your saints for an effective and comprehensive Christian faith-based. And on behalf of KINGS PROPHETIC CHURCH I send a prayer request to consider receiving your Ministry’s printable teaching materials for our spiritual growth and welcoming you to visit us as well as to conduct a seminar in our fellowship / communities here in Kenya. We are a young independent Christian fellowship that is so interesting on spreading the truth from the Bible to unreachable souls who’re many, again do reach the house to house to the widows, physically & mentally disabled and needy children who need spiritual needs, We really need a spiritual leader and guidance for the Spiritual growth as it is written in the Holy Bible. We do meet and share the Holy word of God from the Holy Bible for strengthening our faith to our only Saving Lord Jesus Christ… God is a great and powerful God, and He is able to supply all the needs of His people according to His riches in glory. He certainly does bless those who love Him and keep His commandments. God has got something good in His own store for you there to share with us here in Jesus’ Name. We believe and trust! May God of grace and love lead you when you go out and come back from His Holy Ministry work there in Jesus name we believe and trust. We pray to read from you when the Lord our father allows you!
    Welcome!! God bless you.
    Yours in His Holy service,
    Ministers Tom Chacha
    Tell: +254 722 437 259

  3. Hello praise the Lord! Thanks for the service you are doing for the Lord. Iam pastor Namara Laban from Rwashamaire community church Ntungamo district Uganda and our vision is to raise a God-fearing and Christ like generation.I request you to partner with us to advance the the kingdom of God in western Uganda.Blessings.

  4. Dearest Leaders,
    We are very interested to hear about you and the work that you are doing for the kingdom of God.
    My name is Rev. Marcellin Mudacumura, the Executive Secretary of Evangelical Church and Ministries International (ECMI) in Rwanda Africa.
    The ECMI is the Christian non-political, non -profit working only in Rwanda, with the goals of preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and to improve the welfare and economic status of the socially disadvantaged members of the society in general,
    such as women development , youth development . Single mothers, orphans, street children, widow’s care, Church leaders training and Church planting. Our Organization is registered and has all Documents given by the Government of Rwanda.
    I would like to request you the Partnership with us here in Rwanda in order to help those people of the most high God and building the Kingdom of God in our Nation.
    ECMI does not have any partners or friends as yet. We are looking forward to you as the new partners and friends as the partners on short -term and long term relationship as well.
    I. We request you the partnership in Leadership development, to help on church development -as we grow in the quantity and quality
    II. We want to have volunteers for short-term the Evangelism, the doctors, the builders, the preachers and bible teachers, trainers, and church planters. We also need long -term missionary to help on general issues as pertain the general growth of the ministry and raise the standards Community Development of our Churches in Rwanda,
    Dear Servants of God, I am patiently waiting for your kind response.
    Thank you for your kind heart to support and good collaboration
    Rev Marcellin Mudacumura
    ECMI Rwanda

  5. Calvary Greetings. Am Fayiah Harris, founder and general overseer of the Sanctuary of Grace aka Arena of Divine Grace, Liberia. We are a young church in partnership with Jesus Christ, who has called us to preach and teach the full gospel of His lordship and saving grace to all people, irrespective of race, color or creed. We look forward to working with anyone, group or church that has to passion to see souls save for Jesus Christ.
    Jesus is Lord
    Fayiah Harris (Pastor)

  6. I’m a parish pastor Chinemere at City Of God parish Idi-roko Ogun state Nigeria, looking for support in any way you can. Thank you. God bless you

  7. I am humbled having visited your site with excitement. Receive Christian greetings from Kenya. I am interested in studying via your online Discipleship Training to grow in the love and grace of the Lord and be of great benefit to my Christian Community in Kenya. Thanks and waiting to hear from you.

  8. I am greatly impressed and inspired to get in collaboration with your ministry and inquire whether you can bring your ministry in uganda and to have it introduced in our ministry for church to church partnersh ip. W e are a G ospel centred church seeking to have ministry partners who could help us to make agreater impact in the ministry of G od . W e shall be happy to have your guildance as to how we can be togather with your N et work. of churches. Thanks. yours pastor B ahandagana …..

    1. Dear Pastor B ahandagana,

      Thank you so much for your message. It is wonderful to hear of the work you are doing in Uganda. We have a strong presence in Uganda through Transforming Nations Alliance. I suggest you email Judith Murungi at to connect with them.

      You also may be interested in our learning resources, many of which are available for a free download. We just launched a FREE online learning curriculum called Coram Deo: A School for Discipling Nations.

      You may also wish to browse our Resources, many of which are available for a free download.

      Please let me know if you have any questions.

      Many blessings to you!
      -Mary Kaech

  9. Dear sir,we are Perez ministries international based in Zambia on the copperbelt in the friendly city of Ndola wanting to partiner with your ministry in the area of leadership development and trainings.Our vision is “BUILD THE CHURCH” and we believe developing leaders will anable us to reachout.We will be grateful to hear from you.

  10. Hi sir,
    We are a church called overcomers life ministries. We have three departments of our ministries,namely missins of service which deals directly with the aged,ophans and vanurable families.and the church department which deals in church planting ang in preaching the word of God to the lost.we looking for partnersin leadership training and in vision implimentation. If posible we are looking for mentorship or partners in all the arears of the entire ministry, we are registered with the local authorities or certificate number is 0000825/13.we are based in luanshya, zambia,waiting to hear from you soon, benedict chisanga(senior pastor)overcomers life church_zambia

    1. Dear Pastor Benedict, thank you so much for your inquiry. I will pass your information along to our partners in Zambia and will ask them to contact you. Many blessings to you! -Mary at DNA


    1. Dear Bishop Benson, thanks so much for reaching out. I’m passing your information along to our coordinator in South Africa; he will be in touch with you soon. Many blessings! ~Mary at DNA

  12. Dear Sir
    Am glad to hear about you and work your doing in the kingdom.
    Am Rev. Blasious Rogers Tasobya, the Director and General overseer of NEW LIFE IN CHRIST MINISTRIES – UGANDA . The Christian non-political, non -profit making body whose primary goals to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and to improve the welfare and economic status of the socially disadvantaged members of the society,
    such as women , youth . single mothers , orphans ,street children,
    widows,prisoners and ex-prisoners. The Organization is duly Registered with
    government of Uganda since 1995 as NGO,
    The reason of this E_mail is to invite missinaries and voluuteers to come and bless our people in Uganda with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ and even to
    PARTNER with us as we continue to do the work of God..
    New life in Christ ministries does not have any partners or friends as yet. We are looking forward to new partners and friends . This has been we concentrated first on setting management structures from the grassroots to the top.
    Then we had to try strengthen unity and fellowship among the existing church . therefore Now being a younger ministry we look forward to such partners on short -term and long term relationship.

    1.we need partnership in Leadership development,to help on church development -as we grow numerically these is a number of areas which need to be addressed to . some churches need support in building churches and library ,other in supporting their needy /disadvantaged people ,orphan ,widows .prisoners and ex-prisoners.

    2. we look at a kind of relationship which starts a kind of small and grows stronger .we want to have volunteer short-term missioners (Evangelists,doctors, builders, preachers, bible teachers, life skills trainers, church planters )we also need long -term missionary to help on general issues as pertain the general growth of the ministry and raise the standards of biblical preaching in Uganda and worldwide.

    we will be very grateful for your quick repose in this matter and
    we look forward to hear from you

    1. Dear Reverend,

      Thank you for your comment and for reaching out to us! I have passed your information along to our partners in East Africa; I expect they will follow up with you soon.

      Many blessings,
      Mary at the DNA

  13. I am senior pastor of Kingdom Power Internationa Ministries Zambia. We are a church with an apostolic mandate vision to raise disciplined and mature sons and daughters who are to reach the least reached communities with the love of Christ. We are looking for partiners in the areas of missions, evangelism, church planting amd leadership development. Bless you.

  14. I am an Associate Pastor at the Power and Glory Center in Freetown, Sierra Leone. We are looking for a partner church which would help our ministry with training in the areas of leadership, effective evangelism (individual and mass) and youth ministry among others. How can you help us?

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