At a recent planning session in Kuala Lampur, the DNA Asia working group welcomed new member Aung Thet Nyunt. A Burmese national, Aung Thet is is the head of the DNA network in Myanmar, the first Asian country to hold a Vision Conference. Since then, they have had numerous vision conferences and have seen God do many great things as they apply these ideas.
The group identified two key issues to address: restoring the dignity of women and eliminating hunger. While they acknowledged that both are “far beyond what any organization can tackle alone,” they want to rally groups “who feel a call to either of these” in the belief that progress can come from a synergistic effort.
Read the complete DNA Asia Newsletter – March 2012, which also includes details about the next Training of Trainers, scheduled for September 17‐21, and the next Partners Forum to be held January 21‐23, 2013.