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Some 270 friends of the DNA gathered at Chaparral Suites in Scottsdale, Arizona  on March 3 for a wonderful celebration of God’s work through the Disciple Nations Alliance. The annual benefit dinner was a big success and a splendid opportunity to share the vision.


The featured speaker, Dr. Marvin Olasky, Editor-in-Chief of World Magazine, spoke of his deep appreciation for the unique contribution:

“I’ve done a lot of writing over the years about how to fight poverty … but it’s a privilege for me to be among people who actually do it!”

International Secretariat president Scott Allen painted the big picture of DNA’s burden and vision to address the world’s brokenness in the name of Christ:

“From the very beginning our great God had a plan to heal, redeem and restore the broken world; at the very center of that plan is His son, Jesus.”

We were also privileged to have U.S. Congressmen Trent Franks from Arizona as a special guest.

Over $44,000 was raised for the global efforts of DNA, for which we praise God. Thank you again for all the sponsors, volunteers and participants who gave so generously of their time and treasure and made this such a memorable evening.

Please take a moment to enjoy this video showing highlights of the evening.


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One Response

  1. Thank you DNA for your ministry and for bringing clarity into the lives of people, churches and communities worldwide as to what true and lasting wholistic development is. It was very refreshing to see and hear men of God who have been blessed by the DNA message.
    It was wonderful to see through the video so many old time friends and co-laborers I have met through the years.
    (Mrs) Rosaura Mesones
    Former Country Director
    Food for the Hungry /Peru

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