Taking God’s word to the farthest reaches of Mongolia

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Earlier this month, DNA’s partner in Mongolia, Munkhuu Tuvshin, traveled 2,240 km to the northernmost edge of Mongolia to share God’s word and the biblical worldview with government leaders and students.

The Huvsgul (or Khövsgöl) province is home to many ethnic minority groups who practice mainly shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism. Hardly any Christians live here.
The Huvsgul (or Khövsgöl) province (in red, above) is home to many ethnic minority groups who practice mainly shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism. Hardly any Christians live here.

Munkhuu, who finished translating Discipling Nations into Mongolian last year, wants to see his nation flourish under leadership not strangled by corruption and cultural lies. He dreams of young Mongolians liberated from the bondage of generations of shamanism, living in the freedom of God’s grace and serving their communities in love.

“I pray that God will put a true seed in their hearts and let a seed grow to reveal Jesus,” Munkhuu says.

Huvsgul landscape
The journey was long and treacherous, in an old Russian van that spent one night on the road with a flat tire. “The trip was a real adventure,” Munkhuu says.


M teaching govt leaders
Munkhuu taught two sessions to non-Christian government leaders: wholistic community development and personal development (based on Luke 2:52).

“We have strong lies (corruption, a materialistic mindset, poverty, focusing only on myself and not the community, etc.) in our society,” says Munkhuu, “but I really believe that God’s truth can free our nation from the false worldviews that damage it.”

Huvsgul school
At this school, Munkhuu and a local missionary from his church are helping high-school students in two ways: by increasing their academic knowledge and by equipping them to serve others through seed projects, even though the students are not Christians.

“I’m strongly moved to think that if Mongolia’s young people as our future would understand a biblical worldview and know Jesus, our nation would change, and God’s kingdom would come here as it is in heaven,” says Munkhuu.

Munkhuu and Gambaa
From left: Munkhuu stands with Gambaa, a missionary sent to Huvsgul by Munkhuu’s church seven years ago. Please pray for these men!


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